"W's 2nd term agenda: Set Jeb up"
[etc. etc.] ...the Bushes have been thinking about Jeb's candidacy for years...
...What Reagan, Kennedy and the Clintons shared was boldness and an understanding of how fragile the "rules" really are. By the time Jeb wins the nomination in the primaries - and its hard to see him losing with the backing of the Bush machine - the public will have gotten used to the idea...
...The Constitution makes Dubya ineligible for a three-peat but it does not rule out a third consecutive Bush administration. That's why it would be a mistake to view the next four years as a terminal presidency.
I guess we Citizens just need to warm up to the idea of a neverending string of presidents named Bush, differing only by their first two names.
The "conservatives" here think it's a great idea; not one says anything about, for instance, dynasties and America not mixing too well.
A liberal opposes the idea.
Special note: I guess its hard to make apostrophes when youre typing with one hand.