"Club to remove barriers"

I'm all for clubs that remove barriers, and if you are too, read this San Bernardino Sun article.

What's that you say? It starts out with race baiting and goes downhill from there? It refers to illegal immigrant activists as "immigrant activists"? It includes the following:

The Mexican-American Political Association is forming an organization at Cal State to help Latino students know their rights and strengthen their cultural identity.

One mission of the MAPA club is to inform undocumented high school students of a three-year-old state law that allows them to attend colleges and universities paying the same tuition rates as other California residents.

Assembly Bill 540 was signed into law by former Gov. Gray Davis in October 2001.

It doesn't go into how Gray Davis is, like, the former governor specifically because of bills like that? And, it even gets worse, giving the impression that both MEChA and MAPA are mainstream groups? It doesn't mention those various boycotts the leader of MAPA has sponsored, as well as how that leader was recalled from the majority-Hispanic Santa Ana School District? And, it doesn't go into things like this:

[Lt. Gov. Cruz] Bustamante campaigned for Mr. Lopez even though the entire Santa Ana City Council, which has a Latino majority, supported his recall. Beatriz Salas, who immigrated from Mexico 20 years ago, says she was appalled when she and other parents attended a meeting with Mr. Lopez in 1999, where he admitted that his goal was to make Spanish the primary language in California.

Holy Moses! All those things seem to have been left out of the SB Sun's article. Why, it's almost as if... they have an agenda or something.

It probably won't do any good, but their editor's email is steve.lambert@sbsun.com. For more information on the chain of which that paper is a part, see this.