How to think like a "liberal"

The story about the private California high school that was teaching its students that there are 53 states, four branches of government, and two houses of congress: one for Democrats and the other for Republicans has finally hit blogdom.

Now, you might wonder why this school would teach such inaccuracies. Let's think like a "liberal" here and come up with some possibilites. Did the person who wrote their teaching materials simply make things up as they went along? Or, were they just playing a cruel joke?

If you were thinking like a "liberal", are there other explanations you could come up with?

Bingo! It's all a RepugnantCon plan by $hrub and his NeoCon minders to keep the Immigrants of Color down (washingtonmonthly. com/archives/individual/2004_08/004477.php):
ChrisJ: "it would be worthwhile to suppose that the test was designed by some Pat Buchanon type, seeking to sabotage immigrants' attempts to obtain citizenship."

Abby: "This is something only conservatives would do."

Scotian: "First off, this is a con job pure and simple, and the conners only needed things to look right superficially and did not care how accurate the information really was. Then there is the more sinister explanation, that being this was deliberate to make it more difficult for immigrants to assimilate into American society and to obtain citizenship."

DNS: "Precisely. It's to subvert the new-citizen process."

raj: "Silly question. Because they don't want the immigrants to pass the citizenship exam."

ahem: "One wonders whether the founder was, in fact, a Rush fan wanted to make sure that those poor Latinos flunked the cit-test."

Jon H: "The best reason to go through the trouble of custom-writing erroneous content is precisely to misinform people seeking citizenship."
I stopped when the scrollbar was halfway down the page. And, bear in mind this isn't Duncan B. Black's comments, they're those of Kevin "Records" Drum.

UPDATE: MSNBC has a short bio of Daniel Gossai, a.k.a. VRWC Member #8432287-B:
An immigrant from British Guyana, Gossai, 53, arrived in the United States at age 17 to go to college. He studied at a number of colleges and universities, including the Concordia Theological Seminary in Fort Wayne, Ind., and earned a bachelor's degree in sociology from Bethany College in Kansas.
And, other members of VRWC Operation KEEP_UP_THE_OPPRESSION_34212_B include:
...Paramount-based West Side Education Corporation, the organization that ran the school. West Side president David Soto and West Side director Noel Brito could not be reached for comment.
The lawsuit also names David Soto, president of West Side Education Corp., which bought the rights to operate school sites; Nel Brito, director of an affiliated school; Fabricio Sandoval, director of admissions; and Janira Jacobs, a teacher and administrator.