Mexican Aggression And Its American Collaborators
This article is a few years old, but the issue is still ignored by our (current) "leaders": 'Mexican Aggression And Its American Collaborators':
Armed with a population that doubles every 24 years and strengthened by the overwhelming popularity of their newly-elected president, [Mexico is] launching a demographic war against the U.S. A multi-million man army of colonists, euphemistically referred to as "undocumented migrants," is pouring into the U.S. with help and support from Mexicans who have entrenched themselves here already, from Latino fifth-column organizations, and from commercial interests hungry for cheap labor, many of them multinationals who openly boast of their lack of national loyalty.
...The Mexican Embassy's NAFTA office recently issued a statement that they "expect the U.S. to comply" with NAFTA's recent decision to allow free access of Mexican trucks to American roads in spite of the serious hazard of poorly maintained trucks that don't meet U.S. safety standards...
...Mexican Foreign Minister Jorge Castaneda has presented a list of demands regarding 18 million Mexicans living in the U.S., about one third of them illegal, including the demand that America "respect their human rights," i.e. not enforce its own laws. They claim that the measures undertaken to deter illegal border crossings endanger the lives of the perpetrators, whom they describe as "threatened by the U.S. Border Patrol," and have called on the U.N. to deploy troops.
...Despite claiming a desire to assimilate when in front of gullible mainstream American audiences, many Latinos already in the U.S. have basically ceased being loyal to this country. Although some Mexican Americans have always been loyal to this country, (see the movie Lone Star for an example) they are increasingly outnumbered by their disloyal cousins. This isn't just a matter of throwing rocks at the US soccer team when it played Mexico in Los Angeles a few years ago. They loudly demand an amnesty and voting rights for illegal aliens, protest against deportations of criminals who are illegally in the U.S, and threaten to sue local authorities if police are allowed to enforce the U.S.immigration laws or to refuse driver's licenses to illegals. And the mainstream media act as if all these things don't happen or else openly side with the defenders of illegality and anti-Americanism...
...Mexico's pursuit of her national interest at our expense is understandable.What is incomprehensible is the open collaboration of some Americans, masked by a thick coating of political correctness... The tragedy of it all is that, given our fundamentally absolute superiority of power over Mexico, we could end all this nonsense simply by standing firm on fundamental and obvious issues like our right to enforce our own laws and keep our own culture. We wouldn't even have to do anything nasty to make the point. But if our own decadent willingness to hand over our country to an aggressive foreign power remains painfully obvious, the Mexicans will be fools not to continue to exploit it. We educated half their elite at Harvard and the University of Chicago, so of course they are bright enough to figure out what's going on. The biggest puzzle is how we expect them to respect a nation that clearly doesn't respect itself. It's time we did, for our sake and, in the long run, their own.
jay (not verified)
Thu, 06/10/2004 - 07:08
Let's hope that Bush gets the second term...and then becomes a true conservative.