Sharon Mitchell starring in "Backdoor to Hollywood"
The L.A. Daily News covers the recent HIV cases in the adult cinema industry in 'Adult film scare could alter rules'. It contains some quotes that are scary, and one that's really funny. Completely unattractive 70s porn starlet Sharon Mitchell - now conducting testing and various other adult-cinema-industry related services - says this about prospective porn stars:
"They think it's the back door to Hollywood ... they get stuck here on this side of the hill."
One of the scary quotes concerns possible regulation of the adult-cinema-industry:
"We want to bring this industry into the mainstream by putting it under the regulations that currently exist for Cal-OSHA. This would be a model for the rest of the country."
Yes, but will the state give them a kiss afterwards?
SEXY NAKED FREE PORNO UPDATE: According to the bible of the adult-cinema-industry, "The Los Angeles County Health Department is expected to subpoena records relating to the current HIV scare from the Adult Industry Medical Healthcare Foundation (AIM) this morning, though adult industry lawyers are at hand to verify the subpoenas are enforceable." Maybe they can weave government screwing inspections into their story lines. Sexy government gal comes to a porn set to make sure everything's on the up-and-up, and gets caught up in the sexy action and covered with Valley sweat. Yeah!