Freedom, Faith, Families!

Bush's new TV ads are available. They make me feel all warm and fuzzy inside.

"Lead": As violins play, Bush knows exactly where he wants to lead this country, and he knows what we need to do to make the world more free and peaceful. He sounds like he's drunk, but perhaps that's just because I watched the lo-fi version of the ad. Bush knows how to improve the economy, etc. etc. Meanwhile, Laura stands left and behind Bush, chiming in with her own thoughts about what makes America great, etc. etc.

"Tested": yet another montage with violins. This time with a VO that sounds a bit like we're about to hear about a new chick flick. It includes the memorable line "Freedom, Faith, and Families," eerily similar to "Food, Folks, and Fun!" President Bush is, we're informed, steady leadership in times of change.

"Safer, Stronger": Montage with piano, no VO. Brings up the recession, down stock market, dot com bomb. Then, includes a few shots of 9/11.

"Safer, Stronger" (en Espanol): If you've never heard Bush say "I approved this message" in Spanish, this is your chance. That's all he says; like the version in that other language, there's no VO.

Apparently they didn't spend that much money on the creative or production end of things. The commercials are lame, but they might resonate with weak-minded people who don't care about things like rampaging government spending or selling out America to Tyson Foods and Mexico.