The Real Deal of Tennessee Mountain Rasslin'

I haven't seen L.A. public access cable TV in a long time, but several years ago two characters stand out. One was a crazy Irish-Jewish guy who would sit in a chair, stare at the camera, and free-associate. Another, even more interesting guy who had his own show was a "Mr. Morrisson." Not only would he free-associate, he'd bring up his connections with Craig T. Nelson and, when he needed a break from the free-associating, he'd make balloon animals.

Public access cable TV in Knoxville TN is a bit different. Here they have shows promoting "The Real Deal of Tennessee Mountain Rasslin'" complete with a trash-talkin' host who makes insulting and threatening comments about those who call in: "tell your mom to stop callin' me," etc. etc. We've all heard the Foreigner classic "Dirty White Boy," but this is the first time I've ever heard anyone on TV refer to themselves with that appelation.

Lest I end up on the bidness end of his whuppin' stick for copyright infringement, I want to stress that the picture above should be taken as an advertisement. If you're a resident of Knoxville, I heartily recommend that you go to the National Guard Armory and see the rasslin'. But, then again, if you're a resident of Knoxville you probably already were planning to attend.