Meet the Lonewacko!

Welcome from St. George, Utah. I'm taking a long road trip, and I might be coming to a town near you.

If you're a fellow blogger, let's get together and blog or something.

My current plan is to drive all the way to New England. I'll probably take the 70 to MO, head up to Chicago, and then work my way over to VT, NH, and perhaps ME. If you're on the route, let me know. Or, suggest an alternative route even.

Fun things we could do include:

- hiking
- mountain biking
- backpacking
- visiting confluences
- visiting state highpoints
- seeing the sights
- pretending to be Huell Howser and Luis
- smoking crack with truck stop prostitutes
- discussing why your political viewpoint is wrong, all wrong
- easy top-rope climbing
- taking photographs
- attending blog-worthy events in your area and blogging about same
- kayaking/canoeing/rafting in the Mighty Mississip
- etc. etc. etc.

P.S. I'm serious. This is not a joke. I am in St. George right now.

Depending on the thunderstorm situation, I might spend a day or two in Zion, then it's on to CO and points East.

Leave a comment or send an email to abuse at It might take a day or two for a response.

P.P.S. The "wacko" in Lonewacko is ironic. I'm really quite normal.