Try Canada!
O Canada! A land of constant free-flowing beer, sunshine 350 days a year, and fine liberal policies that will make many U.S. citizens want to - well - just move there!
For all they share economically and culturally, Canada and the United States are increasingly at odds on basic social policies to the point that at least a few discontented Americans are planning to move north and try their neighbors' way of life.
A husband and wife in Minnesota, a college student in Georgia, a young executive in New York. Though each has distinct motives for packing up, they agree the United States is growing too conservative and believe Canada offers a more inclusive, less selfish society...
I took this idea from someone else, as I did the flag and the bottle. I drew the sun figure all by myself, and I put the picture together.
jay (not verified)
Tue, 07/29/2003 - 11:50
Finally, their will be family reunions all over Canada! What a joyous time it will be! Remember the hippies that ran north? Course, I was born in 79, so I won't recall that myself.
Sociopathocracy (not verified)
Sun, 07/20/2003 - 13:04
Let every complaining slob go north to the frozen hellhole run by the Quasi-French. They are weak on crime and strong on benefits for the lazy. I urge all of you to leave the US now. No more crooks, no more welfare. Beautiful!