I demand a recount!
Posted Fri, Jun 27, 2003 at 9:17 am
Listen up, you Democratic thugs! You and your Secretary of Internet think you can pull the wool over the eyes of the American people, but you can't!
There was obviously a systematic attempt to disenfranchize Internet voters, complete with hijacked TCP/IP packets which were deliberatly changed to favor Selected pResident Elect Dean.
I voted for Al Sharpton, and so did thousands and thousands others. Yet, all he received was 1677 votes? Just 0.53%? Obviously there was some Democratic monkey business going on here.
Count all the votes!
Count all the votes!
Count all the votes!
Count all the votes!
Sociopathocracy (not verified)
Sat, 06/28/2003 - 08:33
It's all Bush's fault. Sharpton has been denied his place in history due to a vast, racist conspiracy....Oh?...This had nothing to do with Bush...Then, it must have been Republican Interlopers!
Actually, Fat Al would be the best Dem candidate, followed by Kucinich and Dean.