"Let's Not Make Room For Islam In The Judeo-Christian Tradition"
Interesting column from Paul Weyrich here:
Leading Islamic organizations have started a drive to change the term "Judeo-Christian" to one that will mainstream their own religion. If the Islamic lobby has its way with this Politically Correct agenda item, we will soon be talking about how our country's society is based on "Judeo-Christian-Islamic values..."
We need to consider the record of the organizations that are attempting to gull Americans into swallowing the term "Judeo-Christian-Islamic values." They include the Council on American Islamic Relations, an organization that has learned to employ rights rhetoric to its advantage as it tries to paint Islam and its adherents in a glossy, all-American hue. CAIR is currently involved in trying to place texts and videos that are loaded with fulsome praise (and loads of whitewash) of Islam in American public libraries. These texts downplay or ignore the unattractive side of the religion, such as its historic inability to co-exist peacefully with other religions -- particularly Judaism and Christianity...
[...more on CAIR and the AMC...]
The news media has devoted great scrutiny to the rhetoric employed by American evangelicals about Islam while giving these groups a pass... [perhaps even worse, Bush met with them at least once, as has the CA GOP --lw]
The multiculturalists who are likely to race to make room for "Islamic" in the description of the values that have guided our country for the past 226 years should think hard about the ultimate goals of Muslim spokesmen like CAIR's Hooper and Ahmad. Particularly when the San Ramon Valley Herald also quoted Ahmad's assertion that "The Koran, the Muslim book of scripture, should be the highest authority in America, and Islam the only accepted religion on Earth."
It is not that they will succeed in subverting our country, turning it into an Islamic state complete with amputations for theft and stonings for adultery. However, the conditions in countries such as Saudi Arabia and Iran should make multiculturalists think hard about whether "Islamic" really deserves a place next to "Judeo-Christian..."