The evils of outlander words
Posted Thu, Mar 13, 2003 at 3:13 pm
With this push to rid the English tongue of outlander words, I would like to say we should get rid of all Norsemen/Outlander (in other words, Norman) words and other things. 1441 my ass. I say No On 1066.
(All of the words in this and the foregoing are of good, Anglo-Saxon or Teutonic origin. Oops.)
In the first version, I had "(i.e.., Norman)". I.e., of course, is Latin. Thus, there were three non-Germanic words in the original. I am truly sorry and woeful for my mistake.
Lonewacko (not verified)
Thu, 03/20/2003 - 20:12
You are right, the right word is "arse," not "ass." However, you wrote "real" and "term," which are both outlander words ("iz" in "Bowdlerized" is also an outlander word-bit; I don't know what tongue the word "Bowdler" comes from, most likely English).
No One (not verified)
Tue, 03/18/2003 - 17:32
"arse" is the real man's Anglo-Saxon term, not the god-botherers' bowdlerized term, "ass".