Ten fun facts about me
10. I blog because everyone else is blogging.
9. I hate, abhor, and detest pickles on my sandwiches, whether hamburgers or Subway. I frequently repeat "no pickles" two or three times when ordering. The thought of biting into a pickle fills me with horror. I check said sandwiches before initial fressung.
8. I think Gray Davis should retire.
7. I like broccoli. I'm not very fond of raw or undercooked broccoli, but I'll still eat it. But, cooked broccoli is fine with me. I like cauliflower as well, although less so than brocolli.
6. Cabbage is somewhat OK, but I don't like Brussel sprouts that much.
5. Picallilli I like on hot dogs. Deli pickles I like on the side.
4. I avoid celery due to an unfortunate incident with a carbonated celery beverage (yes, you read that right) when young that caused me to vomit uncontrollably.
3. I'm naked.
2. I have a penis.
1. I really want to be your friend.