"Ayers wrote Obama's book" story: yet another example of opponent's mistakes

Jack Cashill is back with shocking news: "Breakthrough on the Authorship of Obama's 'Dreams'" (americanthinker.com/2009/06/breakthrough_on_the_authorship_1.html). Visiting that page, I was half expecting to find some actual evidence that Bill Ayers had written Dreams From My Father. Instead, all he has to offer are "Mr. West" and "Mr. Midwest", two researchers who don't want to give their names. (Maybe Larry Johnson knows who they are):

Mr. West's analysis was systematic, comprehensive, and utterly, totally, damning. Of the 759 matches, none were frivolous. All were C-level or above, and I had no doubt of their authenticity.

Yes, that's right: there's no actual evidence, such as incriminating documents of some kind showing Ayers transmitting book passages to Obama or the like. Instead, all it is is the same old similarities between Obama's book and those from Ayers. The easier explanation is that Obama was inspired by things Ayers said or wrote, and maybe Ayers even helped edit parts of it. At this point in time, this story is just speculation, and there's no way it would break out until they find some sort of documents clearly linking Ayers to major parts of the book. If they even exist, those documents have probably already been thoroughly deleted by now.

While they're wasting their time on that, Obama is promoting actual policies that may have an extremely delitirous impact on the U.S. Instead of chasing pipe dreams, opponents should concentrate on those. See the question authority summary for a technique, and see Obama immigration for just one of his incredibly flawed policies that opponents should spend their time on.


who cares? one monkey or the other monkey did obama's book? the thing people should be asking about is how long before the camps are opened? It's just a matter of time before this monkey obama will start coming after any who write or talk against him.

Wow a "monkey" themed comment.

monkey is a great word to tell the real truth of a really shit government of total evil. obama is just one more africa dictator how had many enemies of freedom working for him. the book is nothing but a tool to fool the total foolish and to take power for our enemies and to enslave us to the third world monkey life. I will say no more i do not want to be beaten to death in the cells, like so many have been.