2006: George Will supports amnesty, guest workers; misleads with false choice; "unlimited" skilled immigration

On March 30, 2006, George Will offered "Guard the Borders--And Face Facts" ( peekURL.com/zc35tkk ), which was designed to support George W Bush's push for comprehensive immigration reform. Will misled his readers by engaging in the deportations false choice: he falsely claimed that we need to choose between mass deportations and amnesty when there are other choices. One other choice is attrition. Will also used the jobs Americans wont do canard, and the secure the border talking point. He also somewhat implied a Darwinistic immigration policy. He also supported guest workers and an "unlimited" immigration policy for skilled immigrants (skilled immigration). See all those links.

And, by saying "there are no plausible incentives to get the 11 million [illegal aliens] to board the buses", Will is unwittingly admitting that the U.S. has been "settled": millions of foreign citizens live in the U.S. and - despite the fact that most Americans don't want them living here - it would take force to get them to leave.

...It is, however, important that Americans feel melancholy about taking such measures to frustrate immigration that usually is an entrepreneurial act -- taking risks to get to America to do work most Americans spurn. As debate about immigration policy boils, augmented border control must not be the entire agenda, lest other thorny problems be ignored, and lest America turn a scowling face to the south and, to some extent, to many immigrants already here.

The bolded part is jobs Americans won't do together with the Darwinistic immigration policy, all in less than one sentence.

But control belongs at the top of the agenda, for four reasons. First, control of borders is an essential attribute of sovereignty. Second, current conditions along the border mock the rule of law. Third, large rallies by immigrants, many of them here illegally, protesting more stringent control of immigration reveal that many immigrants have, alas, assimilated: They have acquired the entitlement mentality spawned by America's welfare state, asserting an entitlement to exemption from the laws of the society they invited themselves into. Fourth, giving Americans a sense that borders are controlled is a prerequisite for calm consideration of what policy that control should serve.

Of the estimated at least 11 million illegal immigrants -- a cohort larger than the combined populations of 12 states -- 60 percent have been here at least five years. Most have roots in their communities. Their children born here are U.S. citizens. We are not going to take the draconian police measures necessary to deport 11 million people. They would fill 200,000 buses in a caravan stretching bumper-to-bumper from San Diego to Alaska -- where, by the way, 26,000 Latinos live. And there are no plausible incentives to get the 11 million to board the buses.

Facts, a conservative (John Adams) said, are stubborn things, and regarding immigration, true conservatives take their bearings from facts such as those in the preceding paragraph. Conservatives should want, as the president proposes, a guest worker program to supply what the U.S. economy demands -- immigrant labor for entry-level jobs. Conservatives should favor a policy of encouraging unlimited immigration by educated persons with math, engineering, technology or science skills that America's education system is not sufficiently supplying.

And conservatives should favor reducing illegality by putting illegal immigrants on a path out of society's crevices and into citizenship by paying fines and back taxes and learning English. Faux conservatives absurdly call this price tag on legal status ``amnesty.'' Actually, it would prevent the emergence of a sullen, simmering subculture of the permanently marginalized, akin to the Arab ghettos in France. The House-passed bill, making it a felony to be in the country illegally, would make 11 million people permanently ineligible for legal status. To what end?

The goal of the bill (HR4437) was attrition: encouraging illegal aliens to leave of their own accord over time. Will couldn't even bring himself to seek out, understand, and acknowledge the goal of that bill.