Tweets to Not a Democrat 🌹vote strike in November

Not a Democrat 🌹vote strike in November's avatar
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Not a Democrat 🌹vote strike in November
North of Jefferson State. To the Left of you.
HH65A-Flight Mechanic, USCG Veteran, Standing Rock Veteran. Democratic Socialist. #Demexit Pro-Palestine, Anti-Zionist, anti-fascist, anti-capitalist.
Tweets to this user:
Unknown user's avatar
From @placeholderacctignorethis
Not a Democrat 🌹vote strike in November's avatar
From @SocialistProf
@LDoren @briebriejoy @AOC It never is.
lebronsuxatballs's avatar
From @ConservativeD14
@SocialistProf @LDoren @briebriejoy @AOC
Not a Democrat 🌹vote strike in November's avatar
From @SocialistProf
@ConservativeD14 @LDoren @briebriejoy @AOC Brock-Bot, you may want to rethink coming at a veteran like this.
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@SocialistProf: as a socialist, do you support the same immigration stance as the U.S. Chamber, WalMart, Western Growers, Tyson Foods, and the #Koch bros? Because #Ocasio2018 does: she'd give them all the cheap labor they want. @ConservativeD14
lebronsuxatballs's avatar
From @ConservativeD14
@24AheadDotCom_ @SocialistProf I'm not a socialist