Influence tweets
These are the so-called "troll" tweets that were from those Twitter claims were trying to influence recent elections. The raw data is available here.
Post type can be one of QUOTE_TWEET, RETWEET, or an empty value.
retweet can be 0 or 1.
regions include "Iran, Islamic Republic of", "Russian Federation", "Unknown", an empty value, and standard English country names.
languages include "Farsi (Persian)", "Simplified Chinese", "Traditional Chinese", "Tagalog (Filipino)", "LANGUAGE UNDEFINED", and standard English language names.
Author | Content | Retweet | Account category | Account type | Language | Region | Post type | Followers | Followingval | Updates |
1D_NICOLE_ | Despite all the junk food someone still complimented me on my skin | 0 | Fearmonger | Koch | English | United States | 52 | 59 | 375 | |
1D_NICOLE_ | Love like you'll never be hurt | 0 | Fearmonger | Koch | English | United States | 52 | 59 | 376 | |
1D_NICOLE_ | RT if you're ripping that Hustle gang | 0 | Fearmonger | Koch | English | United States | 52 | 59 | 378 | |
1D_NICOLE_ | queen and anti-queen | 0 | Fearmonger | Koch | English | United States | 52 | 59 | 377 | |
1D_NICOLE_ | so easy I can do them myself! | 0 | Fearmonger | Koch | English | United States | 52 | 59 | 379 | |
1D_NICOLE_ | When love is real, it doesn't lie, cheat, pretend, or hurt you. It cures you of all your worries and makes you truly happy. | 0 | Fearmonger | Koch | English | United States | 52 | 59 | 380 | |
1D_NICOLE_ | The harder you work, the harder it is to surrender. | 0 | Fearmonger | Koch | English | United States | 52 | 59 | 381 | |
1D_NICOLE_ | want to dance like her ☺ | 0 | Fearmonger | Koch | English | United States | 52 | 59 | 383 | |
1D_NICOLE_ | you should never care what other people say about you | 0 | Fearmonger | Koch | English | United States | 52 | 59 | 382 | |
1D_NICOLE_ | Unless you change how you are, you will always have what you've got. | 0 | Fearmonger | Koch | English | United States | 52 | 59 | 384 | |
1D_NICOLE_ | I'm an instant star. Just add water and stir. | 0 | Fearmonger | Koch | English | United States | 52 | 59 | 385 | |
1D_NICOLE_ | don`t wear it if #hungry!! | 0 | Fearmonger | Koch | English | United States | 52 | 59 | 386 | |
1D_NICOLE_ | Took 50 pictures... Don't like a single one. Even IG filters don't help me! | 0 | Fearmonger | Koch | English | United States | 52 | 59 | 387 | |
1D_NICOLE_ | '@DrGregoryWest gave me shivers...' | 0 | Fearmonger | Koch | English | United States | 52 | 59 | 388 | |
1D_NICOLE_ | I want my little parrot to speak at last!!! #DumbGenieWishes | 0 | Fearmonger | Koch | English | United States | 53 | 59 | 389 | |
1D_NICOLE_ | Kanye West #DumbGenieWishes | 0 | Fearmonger | Koch | Tagalog (Filipino) | United States | 53 | 59 | 390 | |
1D_NICOLE_ | An everyday changing funny church sign #DumbGenieWishes | 0 | Fearmonger | Koch | English | United States | 53 | 59 | 391 | |
1D_NICOLE_ | I wish look like #YoLandi #DumbGenieWishes | 0 | Fearmonger | Koch | English | United States | 53 | 59 | 393 | |
1D_NICOLE_ | Trash bin #DumbGenieWishes | 0 | Fearmonger | Koch | Albanian | United States | 53 | 59 | 392 | |
1ERIK_LEE | Why is someone even against the #petition? I'll watch you bleeding when some thug shoots your ass off #NoGunsForCriminals | 1 | RightTroll | Right | English | United States | RETWEET | 74 | 239 | 330 |
1ERIK_LEE | It’s reasonable to ban firearms sales in #black areas #NoGunsForCriminals | 1 | RightTroll | Right | English | United States | RETWEET | 74 | 239 | 336 |
1LORENAFAVA1 | Masterchef, il vincitore è Valerio Braschi #MasterChefIt @MasterChef_it | 1 | NonEnglish | Italian | Italian | Italy | RETWEET | 58 | 416 | 203 |
1LORENAFAVA1 | Sternhell ci spiega il nazionalismo razzista e socialista di Marine Le Pen | 1 | NonEnglish | Italian | Italian | Italy | RETWEET | 58 | 416 | 204 |
1LORENAFAVA1 | I #Sioux sono arrivati a #Washington, marcia indiana contro #Trump #NativeNationsMarchonDC | 1 | NonEnglish | Italian | Italian | Italy | RETWEET | 58 | 416 | 205 |
1LORENAFAVA1 | La stagione 7 di #GamesOfThrones in tv dal 16 luglio, il teaser dell'annuncio | 1 | NonEnglish | Italian | Italian | Italy | RETWEET | 58 | 416 | 219 |
1LORENAFAVA1 | Su Left in edicola domani il racconto (e le interviste) di @FrMaselli da sotto i palchi dei comizi in #Francia | 1 | NonEnglish | Italian | Italian | Italy | RETWEET | 58 | 416 | 220 |
1LORENAFAVA1 | Caso #Consip, Tiziano #Renzi si autosospende da segretario Pd Rignano | 1 | NonEnglish | Italian | Italian | Italy | RETWEET | 58 | 416 | 221 |
1LORENAFAVA1 | Peggio di #linkedin che non funziona c'è chi dice che #linkedin non funziona @LinkedInItalia @Linkiesta | 1 | NonEnglish | Italian | Italian | Italy | RETWEET | 58 | 416 | 222 |
1LORENAFAVA1 | Morire di Amazon: così l’e-commerce farà sparire i negozi via @linkiesta | 1 | NonEnglish | Italian | Italian | Italy | RETWEET | 58 | 416 | 223 |
1LORENAFAVA1 | Come fa, uno, a farsi chiamare direttore creativo? Intervista a Oliviero Toscani via @linkiesta | 1 | NonEnglish | Italian | Italian | Italy | RETWEET | 59 | 416 | 225 |
1LORENAFAVA1 | #InterAtalanta #Gasperini: "Vendetta sull'#Inter? No, sbagliai io ad accettare l'offerta" | 1 | NonEnglish | Italian | Italian | Italy | RETWEET | 59 | 416 | 226 |
1LORENAFAVA1 | Alstom e Ntl lanciano Aptis, soluzione di mobilità innovativa | 1 | NonEnglish | Italian | Italian | Italy | RETWEET | 59 | 416 | 227 |
1LORENAFAVA1 | .@daniesilvestri-@CarmenConsoli-@MaxGazze insieme per il live più lungo dell'estate | 1 | NonEnglish | Italian | Italian | Italy | RETWEET | 60 | 416 | 228 |
1LORENAFAVA1 | #Lega, domani @matteosalvinimi a #Napoli: attivisti occupano sala dell'evento | 1 | NonEnglish | Italian | Italian | Italy | RETWEET | 60 | 416 | 229 |
1LORENAFAVA1 | Zero trasparenza, soliti noti. La partita delle nomine è un’enorme occasione sprecata via @linkiesta | 1 | NonEnglish | Italian | Italian | Italy | RETWEET | 61 | 416 | 230 |
1LORENAFAVA1 | Minacce e insulti per "La ciociara" hard Ecco la pornostar che ha fatto infuriare il prefetto di #Frosinone [FOTO] | 1 | NonEnglish | Italian | Italian | Italy | RETWEET | 61 | 416 | 232 |
1LORENAFAVA1 | Anche Tiziano #Renzi lascia la segreteria del #Pd: si è autosospeso da quello di #Rignano | 1 | NonEnglish | Italian | Italian | Italy | RETWEET | 60 | 416 | 233 |
1LORENAFAVA1 | Allarme Aviaria Strage allo zoo di #Vienna Morti tutti i pellicani | 1 | NonEnglish | Italian | Italian | Italy | RETWEET | 60 | 416 | 234 |
1LORENAFAVA1 | Panico nella metro di #Roma, folle tenta di aggredire le donne | 1 | NonEnglish | Italian | Italian | Italy | RETWEET | 61 | 416 | 235 |
1LORENAFAVA1 | Torna a casa #bimba rapita 5 anni fa dal padre e portata in #Siria | 1 | NonEnglish | Italian | Italian | Italy | RETWEET | 61 | 416 | 236 |
1LORENAFAVA1 | Statua gigante di #RamsesII torna a farci sognare l’#Egitto (video) | 1 | NonEnglish | Italian | Italian | Italy | RETWEET | 61 | 416 | 237 |
1LORENAFAVA1 | Italiano, istruito e con un lavoro: l’identikit dell’uomo che fa male alle donne @Cerchidacqua_Mi @LegacoopLombard | 1 | NonEnglish | Italian | Italian | Italy | RETWEET | 61 | 416 | 238 |
1LORENAFAVA1 | Come Nina Bunjevac salverà il mondo dei fumetti. | 1 | NonEnglish | Italian | Italian | Italy | RETWEET | 61 | 416 | 241 |
1LORENAFAVA1 | L’inquinamento ambientale che fa strage di #bambini MARE NOSTRUM C. Alessandro Mauceri @opsoms via @lavocedinewyork | 1 | NonEnglish | Italian | Italian | Italy | RETWEET | 61 | 416 | 242 |
1LORENAFAVA1 | Semplicemente, questo oggi è l’unico gruppo pop che valga la pena di ascoltare | 1 | NonEnglish | Italian | Italian | Italy | RETWEET | 61 | 416 | 244 |
1LORENAFAVA1 | La gentrification dei meme: un'intervista agli autori delle pagine Facebook ironiche più interessanti del momento | 1 | NonEnglish | Italian | Italian | Italy | RETWEET | 61 | 416 | 245 |
1LORENAFAVA1 | #Emma tra le braccia della #mamma, era stata rapita 5 anni fa dal padre siriano | 1 | NonEnglish | Italian | Italian | Italy | RETWEET | 61 | 416 | 246 |
1LORENAFAVA1 | Il #Papa apre al #sacerdozio per gli uomini #sposati: è una possibilità | 1 | NonEnglish | Italian | Italian | Italy | RETWEET | 61 | 416 | 248 |
1LORENAFAVA1 | Come vedere Juventus-Milan in streaming o in tv | 1 | NonEnglish | Italian | English | Italy | RETWEET | 61 | 416 | 249 |
1LORENAFAVA1 | #Napoli, dopo polemiche e proteste salta la manifestazione di Matteo #Salvini alla Msotra d'Oltemare | 1 | NonEnglish | Italian | Italian | Italy | RETWEET | 61 | 416 | 250 |