Tweets to Igor Bonifacic

Igor Bonifacic's avatar
Twitter handle: 
Igor Bonifacic
@engadget contributor. Formerly @mobilesyrup.
Tweets to this user:
Igor Bonifacic's avatar
From @IgorBonifacic
.@cfisherwrites showing everyone how it's done. She wrote two super time-sensitive posts back-to-back and in about…
Christine Fisher's avatar
From @cfisherwrites
@IgorBonifacic Thanks for the shout-out! What was a slow news day changed very quickly haha
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@cfisherwrites: hi Christine. Twitter lies to millions (most of them not U.S. cons) via ghosting. They ghost ~1/2 the replies to *Rouhani* (see my pinned tweet). @IgorBonifacic doesn't know/care. He thinks a co that lies to millions should decide which tweets are truthful.
Igor Bonifacic's avatar
From @IgorBonifacic
Please read this story I wrote about Punxsutawney Phil.
Drew Alan Goodwin's avatar
From @Drewalangoodwin
@IgorBonifacic How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck was replaced by a trendy robo-rodent?
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@Drewalangoodwin: now, @IgorBonifacic cheers a Twitter plan to decide if a tweet is truthful. Ironically, Twitter lies to millions via ghosting. The censors ~40% the replies to Medvedev (see my pinned tweet). Igor doesn't see a problem with a company that lies to millions.