
.@jessmendoza: watching #ESPN, anyone would think basketball is only U.S. sport. Please give viewers variety: soccer, Spring Training, etc.
Michael Flynn resignation letter is just six words: "It was either this or polonium". Hard to interpret since Trump isn't Putin. #MAGA #GOP
#CNN: Michael Flynn resigns. Trump admin is most competent ever! #MAGA #Trump2016 #TheResistance
.@chrisruddynmx: by enabling Trump, aren't you helping him do stupid things that endanger the USA? Do your readers know that yet?
.@chrisruddynmx: since more convicted terrorists have come from countries not in #MuslimBan & Trump's letting them in, aren't you...
.@chrisruddynmx: on 1/28 I asked you: "when Trump's #MuslimBan is blocked by the courts or the Congress, will it have made USA safer?"
To check: how many prisons are near #GrandJunction, #Colorado. Maybe I was just there on one of its bad days. #MAGA #Trump2016
.@DailySentinelGJ: you don't reveal DACA downsides, call illegal aliens "immigrants", etc. That's #FakeNews. Sue me! @SCOTTFORCOLO
.@DailySentinelGJ: I found some #FakeNews at your site: "Young unauthorized immigrants may apply for deferred action". @SCOTTFORCOLO
.@DailySentinelGJ: your Jay Seaton threatens to sue @SCOTTFORCOLO for calling you "fake news", calling it "provably false assertion of fact"
"Photo Shows Man Posing With ‘Nuclear Football’ Carrier At Mar-A-Lago". Yes, but did Trump *charge* him. That's what's key. #MAGA #Trump2016
#HuffPost: "The Virginia Woolf Romance Biopic You Always Needed Is On Its Way". #MAGA #Trump2016
.@DarkSecretPlace: please help @JohnAndKenShow understand that supporting Puzder means enabling amnesty:
.@DarkSecretPlace: it's very Hannity-like of @JohnAndKenShow to support the very pro-amnesty Puzder jus cuz libruls oppose him. #KFI
.@mamabook @shane_bauer: asking tough questions would be a patriotic thing for lucianwintrich to do. He won't; use that to undercut him.
.@lucianwintrich: if Trump had been asked tough questions about #MuslimBan, it would have kept him from a major loss. Be patriotic, Lucian.
.@lucianwintrich: as GatewayPundit's WH correspondent, here are tough questions it'd be patriotic to ask:
GatewayPundit now has his own White House correspondent. Closest non-Pravda analogy might be music co giving head of fan club access. #MAGA?
Celine Dion - Sweet Amaryllis: Also not at Inaugural. #NowPlaying #MusicSunday #MAGA #Trump2016 #resist
Because Trump's loudest opponents are as bad as he is, they can't use Trump admitting he's made USA less safe against him. #TheResistance
Trump's crazy tweets about #MuslimBan have him admitting that he's letting potential terrorists come here. That alone should be his undoing.
.@dravirmani: IOW, more terrorists came from countries not on Trump's list. The brainless way @JessicaV_CIS favors doesn't keep USA safe.
.@dravirmani: CIS list has 65 pages. In first 24 pages, 105 are from countries not on Trump's list: PK, IN, CA, UK.. Even Trinidad-Tobago.
Dozens more came from countries not on Trump's list. He's letting them in w/o more screening MT @KNP2BP @1VirtualPixie [72 terrorists study]
Moocher states like Alabama. Should have just let them go. MT @loretta_stiles @TheWelshTwitt But, what has CA been spending its money on?
Celine Dion - Waterfalls: As not heard at Inauguration. #NowPlaying #MusicSunday #MAGA #Trump2016 #resist
.@mjs_DC: for over a year, I've been suggesting that Trump just demands increased screening: Why weren't you?
.@mjs_DC: at #Slate, you blog "[DOJ] has four options to salvage Trump's immigration ban. Only one makes sense", being rewriting the order.
Light in Babylon: #NowPlaying #MusicSunday #MAGA #TheResistance #Trump2016 #resist
Undeterred by fact at least three artists featured here have also appeared at TED or TEDx or TEDxxx events, 24 soldiers on...
.@txmockingjay: see etc. Call out fake patriots on Drudge links.
.@txmockingjay: actually, fake patriots have been smearing CA - such as on Drudge-linked articles - for years & years. Call out leaders.
MT @txmockingjay Trumpsters are against [Oroville] relief efforts due to CA's stance on immigration... Wishing harm and loss is new low.
.@VALERIEin140 @justinsb @Edpilkington: 100 years ago you'd be enabling child labor; 150 years ago slavery.
.@VALERIEin140 @justinsb: the 5-year-old @Edpilkington tale you hype is deceptive proganda:
Ex-Reuters & PBS/CBC, hyping years old propaganda -> MT @VALERIEin140 RT @justinsb: Alabama immigration: crops rot as workers vanish
.@Azi: why isn't MSM covering that @KellyannePolls took $$$ from Mark Zuckerberg to deceive about immigration: ?
MT @Azi .@KellyannePolls: Why isnt media covering their 'immigrant 1st lady?' [apparently Azi shows KAC wrong with a link or something]
.@billyeichner: if you were grown-up citizen, you'd try to get smart people to engage Trump in debate/show him wrong. Time to grow up, Billy
If you were a grown-up citizen what would you do? MT @billyeichner Trump's apparently very annoyed by Time cover Steve Bannon pic. Please RT
I can't stand Pat Benatar, both musically & due to an association.
.@AlexBorstein: why are you RTing the spandex-clad whippet???
.@IngrahamAngle: you can't even spell "intellectual backing", much less have the patriotism to demand Trump tries it.
.@IngrahamAngle: GWB did #immigration raids to make amnesty *more* likely. Raids w/o intellectual backing *help* the pro-amnesty side.
Why do you enable horrible parents? MT @ACLU: No, believe it or not, even toddlers are expected to represent themselves in immigration court
@RationalLife0: dozens more terrorists are from countries not on Trump's list. He's letting potential terrorists in. @StefanMolyneux enables
Any legal scholar knows that's false. MT @RationalLife0 RT @StefanMolyneux: Trump has full legal authority to restrict immigration to USA
Indeed we do. Plus, what do you think about Trump and corruption? MT @ArtAcevedo We need to be smart on crime & immigration enforcement
.@michaelharrisdr: Trump just needs to increase screening. @JessicaV_CIS enables a brainless ban that might let in terrorists from CA/UK/etc
.@michaelharrisdr: you RT deceptive @JessicaV_CIS "72 terrorists" study. Dozens more came from countries not on Trump's list, even Tobago.
& TV propagandizes against it, harming enforcement. MT @IngrahamAngle: It's About Time: Feds do immigration raids in at least six states
.@krishgm: more - per the same CIS doc - are from other countries: CA, PK, IN, UK, etc. Trump's letting ppl from those countries flood in.
.@krishgm: you recently interviewed Coulter. Did she mention the deceptive "72 terrorists" study? It's deceptive because more are from...
.@pfeifferdc: dozens more (per CIS's list) are from countries not in #MuslimBan: UK, CA, PK, CO, LB, TK, etc. etc. Trump lets them flood in.
.@pfeifferdc: at #DailyCaller, you mislead with "Judges Keep Falsely Saying No Terrorists Came From Countries Affected By Travel Ban".
Maybe #DailyCaller "reporters" spend their days dreaming of pushing #Koch policies *directly* so can't do even D- journalism. #MAGA #resist
In my experience #Breitbart gets facts right & correct misinfo more often than completely non-credible #DailyCaller. #FakeNews, whatevs.
.@PeterJHasson: you hilite 20 from Somalia, yet 18 are PK in first 24 pages of CIS' doc. PK # is probably higher: & Trump's letting them in.
.@PeterJHasson: that's misleading because dozens more in CIS' own doc came from countries *not* covered by Trump's ban: CA, UK, PK, etc.
.@PeterJHasson: at #DailyCaller, you mislead with "Study Proves Judges Wrong - 72 Convicted Terrorists Have Come From Travel-Ban Countries".
Dozens more came from countries not covered by Trump's ban. Should we ban Canada? MT @67purple RT @SpecialKMB1969 [CIS 72 terrorists study]
#Grammys are crap because #PopMusic is crap because music consumers are crap. #MAGA
Convicted terrorists came from #MuslimBan countries, but *more* came from dozens of other countries. Trump isn't keeping USA safe. #MAGA
CIS says 72 convicted terrorists came from #MuslimBan countries. I counted 105 from unbanned countries in < 1/2 their data. #doh #MAGA
.@wwwcisorg unwittingly shows how Trump's travel ban won't work ("72 Terrorists" study): #immigration
.@conor64: please list all the things you did to nudge Trump to smarter plans & arguments. Here's some space:
MT @conor64 #MAGA they got an erratic who's ignorant about basics of grade school civics and worries more about SNL than blue collar jobs
.@DonnyFerguson: Trump fans aren't conservative; real liberals don't help wealthy lower wages & safety standards via mass #immigration.
Wrong. MT @DonnyFerguson A) Conservatives praising raids planned by Obama, not Trump B) Liberals attacking raids planned by Obama not Trump
.@uberfeminist: Trump/Coulter/Breitbart dumb opposition to illegal #immigration *way*, *way* down. It represents massive corruption et al.
MT @uberfeminist crazy left: "real threat" is white male ecoterrorism. crazy right: "real threat" is immigrants faking SS card [to Coulter]
.@ESPNAndyKatz: if a Martian just got here & flipped on #ESPN, he'd think basketball was only sport we know how to play. Show more soccer.
.@RNRWyoming @RNRNCarolina: I can't tell if you're seriously suggesting Trump uses forced labor (a la North Korea) or not. Please clarify.
MT @RNRWyoming RT @RNRNCarolina: If you want cheap labor for the wall, Trump, force those caught here illegally to build it before deporting
Now I'm going to take a shower in Purel after tweeting that stooge.
.@JamieOGrady as ex"Legal Counsel @CreditSuisse" (!!!), which is smarter for @votevets: a SNL ad, or using Socratic debate to show DT wrong?
.@mskristinawong: in case you want to be smart, understand the real reason Coulter has fans. Then, show them she won't deliver. Easy for me.
MT @mskristinawong [to Coulter] Oh Annie, you can just tweet "WHITE POWER" and it takes up fewer characters and makes the same point
.@mskristinawong: as the 6 previous replies show, your Coulter smear might make you feel better, but it was ineffective. Want to be smart?
If you read #Wikipedia limpets entry, it's because you aren't a complete limpets expert. So, how will you know it wasn't just vandalized?
.@SovBrit: when you see someone hyping #Wikipedia or linking to them, point out what @jimmy_wales did as proof that WP isn't credible at all
.@SovBrit: @jimmy_wales used WP's Reliable Sources rule to keep a lie in @Wikipedia & to keep the truth out:
.@the_bonte: point out to @ScottAdamsSays fans that he enabled a pro-amnesty (DREAM Act, Puzder) dolt who's admitted he's made USA less safe
Cons can't help you: they're just about grifting. Show me wrong! MT @LndFeminism4got After law school, I was passed over [due to aff action]
.@votevets: if you really want to get Trump's attention, show him or a proxy wrong on video: When'll you do that?
That's more thinking than Trump would do. But... MT @votevets: Our ad will run during SNL so #veterans can finally get Trump's attention
The Trump #PresidentsDay military parade already has a peppy theme: #MAGA #Trump2016 #resist
I'm not worried yet. Trump hasn't changed his title to Commodore & started ranting about Xenu. He might not either. #MAGA #Trump2016 #resist
MT @AladoreVacca: @kellyannconway idea for presidents day have troops march threw n.y.c. down aveunue of America's in presidents trump honor
You're enabling parents endangering their children. #resist? MT @LibyaLiberty: [Trump] tears mothers and fathers away from their children
Trump is so vain he probably thinks #PresidentsDay is about him. #MAGA #Trump2016 #TheResistance
.@DShulman_ESPN: ...offbrand foreign soccer - even tape-delayed & local feed, Spring Training, even volleyball. ESPN needs *some* variety.
.@DShulman_ESPN: does basketball have pictures of #ESPN naked or something? Please get them to show other sports: foreign baseball...
One good thing about Trump: no more brackets. As a former #soccer player, perhaps he'll jinx that sport instead. #AnnCoulter #MAGA
Trump & his fans won't have foreseen illegal aliens would try to tie him up in courts. They simply lack the smarts to develop plans. #MAGA
The idea that illegal aliens could tie up Trump's policies in court will shock many. Those shocked shouldn't try to come up w/ plans. #MAGA
Illegal aliens - w/ shadow assistance of MX govt - threaten to tie up Trump's deportations policy in the courts, just like I said. #MAGA
Downsides #CNN didn't mention about #J1 visa Syrian doctor: Hit the tip jar if you want more. #MAGA
When it comes to opposing mass/illegal #immigration, the "Breitbart Way" obviously fails: they've opposed it for years & it continues. #MAGA
.@AnaCabrera @SanfordHealth: you've got it lucky. If Trump/his fans/Breitbart, etc weren't deranged idiots they could easily discredit you.
