
.@mbaram @carlzimmer: let me help you out! 100k more crimes than if those immigrants hadn't come here. I.e., an increase. + their kids etc.
.@mbaram @carlzimmer: if 320 mil Americans commit 3 mil crimes & we let in 10 mil immigrants who commit 100k crimes, how many are there?
Is that Trump-style magic math? MT @mbaram RT @carlzimmer: No link between immigration and increased crime, four decades of evidence finds
.@RogueCPI: you quote Stephen Miller's HS yearbook w/ TR quote about "no room for fifty-fifty Americanism in USA". Your problem w/ that is?
[quotes his yearbook] MT @RogueCPI Stephen Miller has held same immigration stance since high school. Points for being consistent, I guess?
Litha w/ #LuegenPresse Coverup Of #AltRight Princess: #PizzaGate #NowPlaying #MusicWednesday #MAGA #TheResistance
This crazy: MT @ennuiblu Who is the Center for Security Policy?
.@BennyFishall: since most convicted terrorists are from countries not in #MuslimBan & we won't stop UK travel, we just need more screening.
MT @BennyFishall We need to pass this essential halt plus several others if only 72 of 380 foreigners were from the 7 countries
.@exposingcorrupt @GracieSua: rest are from PK/IN/CO/UK... all over. @frankgaffney just wants a brainless ban that *won't* keep USA safe.
MT @exposingcorrupt @frankgaffney @GracieSua where are the other 308 from? Saudi? Qatar? Turkey? Why not restrict biggest terror supporters?
MT @TexasKenJSmith @frankgaffney @JessicaV_CIS Sounds like we need to tighten the vetting process for more than just the 7 banned countries.
.@TexasKenJSmith: since 12/2015 I wanted Trump to tighten screening across board. @JessicaV_CIS only supports brainless, ineffective bans.
380 - 72 = 308, yes? MT @frankgaffney 580 terror cases prosecuted since 9/11. 380 indivs were foreign natls, 72 from the 7 paused countries
Master and Accordion: #NowPlaying #MusicWednesday #MAGA #TheResistance
.@JoeDunn8: did @WBZNightside discuss @JessicaV_CIS unwittingly showing how #MuslimBan won't keep USA safe?
.@robertbtracy: they feel free to complain about that because the opposition to amnesty tends to be dumb (CIS) & dumber (Breitbart & Trump).
Good Q. MT @robertbtracy [to CIS's Vaughan] why do their home countries complain about problems to own economies if deportations started?
Basque metal as antidote to thoughts of Timberlake/Beyonce duets: #NowPlaying #MusicWednesday #MAGA #resist
.@obrienc2: wouldn't it be actually patriotic of you to call out *both* r/w *and* l/w questioners (eg Zeleny) for asking weak questions?
.@obrienc2: at #Townhall, you blog "Meltdown MSM Freaks That Trump Took Question From Townhall". Is Epater les Bohemes what it's all about?
No comment. MT @obrienc2 I don't remember ever seeing this performance before now but I love it. jtimberlake Beyonce plz duet more.
.@SBN_Ricky: as a former #soccer player, let's hope Trump fills out an EPL or #MLS bracket instead. #MAGA #MAGA3X #AnnCoulter
.@SBN_Ricky: Trump declining #ESPN offer to fill out an #NCAA bracket is the only smart thing he's done. ESPN plays Ball In Hoop 25/8. #MAGA
.@bencasselman @ForecasterEnten: even @Ed_Kilgore named a name: those r/w'ers like @Stranahan who should have oppose Puzder but didn't.
.@bencasselman @ForecasterEnten: you blog "existence of Fight for $15 ensured that Puzder would face well-organized opposition from day one"
.@AllenFrancesMD: haven't all Trump's loudest opponents just smeared him & his fans w/o engaging his points & his appeal? Work on that too.
.@AllenFrancesMD: here's easy-to-understand example of Trump's incompetence: Who else raised that?
.@kaitlancollins @KatiePavlich @TheBrodyFile are just Trump hacks, in same way Zeleny was Obama hack. Patriots demand more. #MAGA #resist
.@KatiePavlich & @TheBrodyFile got to ask Trump Qs @ his Bibi presser. I'm not expert on that issue but I'd bet my left one the Qs were weak
.@TedCGoodman: given Puzder strongly supports amnesty & most #DailyCaller readers strongly oppose it, why did DC in effect support Puzder?
.@TedCGoodman: you blog on Puzder, giving leftwingers all the credit/blame. It certainly wasn't #DailyCaller: I only see 1 anti-Puzder post.
.@FBillMcMorris: don't you know @MarkSKrikorian started a hashtag against Puzder??? Wrote some blog posts??? Why, he moved heaven & earth!
.@FBillMcMorris: at #freebeacon you blog about Puzder dropping out, giving all the credit to leftwingers. That's unfair to @MarkSKrikorian.
Despite my oft-repeated wishes that #TheSouth just secedes already, classic #SouthernRock is enjoyable. #CountryMusic is dreck of worst kind
.@cyrinafiallo: Lynyrd Skynyrd isn't bad but their spiritual forefathers Allman Brothers Band are greats: #MAGA
MT @cyrinafiallo My parents just sent me a 6 min video of Freebird from Lynyrd Skynyrd concert & this is how I'm spending Fri night I'M FINE
.@JohnAndKenShow: a good part of your audience already knew Puzder was an amnesty fan, even as you were hyping him cuz dem libruls was agin.
.@aronbender @shannonfarren: only today did @JohnAndKenShow realize Puzder is a big amnesty fan. Me 2 months ago:
If anyone can solve the millennia-old #MiddleEast disputes, it's Trump. He plays 12 dimension chess! #idiocracy #MAGA #TheResistance
#NYMag: "Soon, however, Breitbart fell strangely silent about Puzder. Then...suddenly went strongly anti-anti-Puzder". #NeverPuzder #MAGA?
.@Stranahan: @Ed_Kilgore gives you a shoutout for your hack pieces in support of the very pro-amnesty Puzder. #NeverPuzder #immigration
Challenge: find an authoritarian regime that #Trump2016 #MAGA #AltRight doesn't love. RU? Check! VZ? Check! #TheResistance
Yes! Venezuela *shuts down* #CNN for broadcasting #FakeNews! I'm drinking tears of the special snowflakes at #NYTimes! #MAGA #AltRight #GOP
In fact, Puzder just withdrew his nomination. Now, #MAGA can pretend they were opposing him over amnesty all along. #NeverPuzder
The vast majority of Puzder opposition has come from left, over min wage etc. #MAGA & #NeverPuzder have barely tried to oppose on amnesty.
If Puzder isn't Labor Secy, expect #MAGA & #NeverPuzder to take the credit, over amnesty. Despite not really doing much. #Trump2016
I called it 4 days ago, no more brackets: A #MAGA 3 pointer!
.@RadicalSkeptic: Trump lured @SenWarren into the mud where he likes it. She wasn't smart enough to take the high road & thus helped him.
Warren just smeared Trump, in effect helping him. MT @REnsslin RT @SenWarren: Trump said he’d be tough on Wall St. That’s a broken promise
.@MtnMD: you aren't going to "shut down the WH", but it'd be great if someone besides me was capable of showing Trump wrong to his base.
.@MtnMD: Trump doesn't want to "close the borders", but the #Koch bros want them as open as possible. @AynRandPaulRyan agrees with the Kochs
Is that how you'd solve a medical issue? MT @MtnMD: THIS! RT @AynRandPaulRyan: Instead of closing the borders, let's shut down the WH
"Hello, is this the #AltRight Answer Line?? Great. Can I speak to a supremacist who's actually superior & isn't just a deranged idiot?"
.@BobbyDuley53: Kellyanne Conway took @FWD_us $$$ to deceive about amnesty: Will you use that to undercut FWD?
.@BobbyDuley53: you say "hijrah and taquiya find out what they mean then you will understand" to @FWD_us ' #ToImmigrantsWithLove Day.
Not only does "Brainless Joel" Pollak repeat a smear, he gives good links to the smear sites, helping them in search engines. #resist #derp
.@joelpollak: I hear some are saying @SebGorka is a Nazi. That's wrong, right? Sebastian Gorka - not Nazi. Gorka's no Nazi, of course. #MAGA
"Brainless Joel" Pollak blogs "Fake News: Media Smear Sebastian Gorka as Nazi Sympathizer". What? Some say Gorka's a Nazi? Gorka - Nazi?
If you didn't know how much #DACA harms MX & want to stop it in smart ways, give generously using the form on posts. #immigration #MAGA
Students who excel at math: USA 1/4 million; Korea 1/8 million; India 100,000; Mexico 3500 to 6000: #MAGA #resist
.@garytuchmancnn: who profits from a weak labor market: workers or owners? Who'd Obama help by passing out all those #DACA work permits?
.@garytuchmancnn: 6000 or fewer MX students excel at math per year. If some of them come to U.S., doesn't that harm MX? Why'd you do that?
.@garytuchmancnn: I saw your heartstring-pulling propaganda piece about illegal aliens. Assuming you can, have you thought this through?
~BREAKING~ Trump - heavily-bearded after 43 days of self-isolation - is rambling incoherently about why he saves his urine in jars. #MAGA
~BREAKING~ After emerging from his 43-day period of isolation, President Trump grabbed a TV camera and began an extended diatribe... #MAGA
~BREAKING~ A heavily-bearded President Trump has just emerged from being in hiding in the West Wing for the past 43 days... #MAGA
.@aronbender @shannonfarren: @JohnAndKenShow are about to feature a deceptive study: #KFI #immigration
"USSS director to step down, giving Trump chance to select his own security chief". Choice is between @JohnCena & some guy named "Igor".
.@TrumpTrainNoBrk: how's it feel under the #TrumpBus? Maybe treating pols like they were Bieber is a bad idea. #AltRight #MAGA
.@KellyannePolls RTed @TrumpTrainNoBrk & replied "Love you back". Then deleted it when informed TrumpTrainNoBrk is #AltRight. #MAGA
MT @TrumpTrainNoBrk @KellyannePolls Your strength & resiliency in face of vile hatred [of] unhinged Left is a daily inspiration! Love you!
.@RealJeremyNolt: wasn't rushing out #MuslimBan EO a mistake? Wasn't flubbing undercutting BLM a mistake? What's Trump done right?
.@RealJeremyNolt: wasn't falsely implying most MX illegal aliens are violent criminals a mistake? Wasn't proposing Muslim ban in Dec 2015?
MT @RealJeremyNolt: First mistake for Trump . NEVER let the media claim a scalp. They will be relentless now. Flynn was a loyalist
Trump, Yours Is no disgrace: #NowPlaying #MusicMonday #MAGA #resist
.@Mikeggibbs: a tough Q @ddale8 could ask is about more convicted terrorists coming from countries not in #MuslimBan. He lacks will/ability.
.@Mikeggibbs: FYI, @ddale8 's list of Trump "lies" contained a major lie about #immigration. He also doesn't know what tough questions are.
"Americans Say Trump Keeps Promises, Is Strong Leader, Will Raise Tractor Production 44% Next Quarter!" #MAGA #Trump2016 #TheResistance
For unknown reason, #SNL redid backing, v/o, and all character voices except Fey's in the last. I will not ask why for safety reason. #MAGA
During election, #SNL took down video of only real #Trump2016 opponent: #Blerta2016 #MAGA #TheResistance
.@KellyRiddell: if you were a patriotic citizen, you'd demand *tough* questioning of all pols & not lett r/w or l/w hacks off hook. Are you?
.@KellyRiddell: at #WashTimes, you blog/Drudge links "[MSM] whines as Trump calls on less estblshd news outlets".What if you were patriotic?
Sounds a little stilted. Don't do Russian translations by machine. MT @KellyRiddell Americans Say Trump Keeps Promises, Is Strong Leader
.@kaitlancollins: Obama called on @jeffzeleny for easy Q's & Zeleny delivered for Obama. How are you any different? #DailyCaller #resist
.@kaitlancollins: given Flynn news, was a Q that'd be more at place at a Trump beauty pageant the best to ask? How aren't you Zeleny-like?
Trump called on @kaitlancollins of #DailyCaller @ Trudeau presser, asked Trump for "most important national security matters facing us".
.@realjunsonchan: please describe how the yahooism exemplified by Coulter keeps & preserves western civilization. She's antithesis of W Civ.
That's odd. MT @realjunsonchan: We want to keep & preserve western civilization. We don't want to become a 3rd world hellhole per [Coulter]
Admittedly, it's a little hard to hear the organ in the last due to 3 bagpipes and 9 bombards.
By Order Of President Trump, today's bombard & organ song of the day: #NowPlaying #MusicMonday #MAGA #resist
You're the type susceptible to that. MT @Chadwick_Moore: [to Coulter] please forgive me for hating you all those years. I was brainwashed.
.@Chadwick_Moore: it is possible to somewhat agree w/ Coulter on some things, while realizing she's just a worthless grifter fooling ppl.
So, if I worked in or had resigned from Trump admin, I'd only eat cold food and invest in a very good alpha particle detector. #MAGA! #GOP!
AFAIK, Polonium is fatal at *extremely* small doses. Gives off heat (thus the tea). Radiation not detectable w/ Geiger counters. #MAGA #GOP
.@jamesddonnelly: point out to @Cernovich & @ScottAdamsSays fan(s) that they *hurt* Trump by enabling him rather than demanding better.
.@jamesddonnelly: @Cernovich & @ScottAdamsSays have just enabled Trump & enabling Trump plays a role in his big fails (Flynn, MuslimBan).
.@whennessy: this is how to stop #Twitter censorship: If you won't do that, what's your better plan?
.@whennessy: you complain about #Twitter censorship, without offering an action plan. In May, you couldn't come up with anti-TPP plan too.
