
On #CNN, @AnaCabrera hypes a propaganda segment about Syrian doctor on #J1 visa working for @SanfordHealth. Doesn't mention huge downsides.
You might think that, others won't. MT @RalphGarman Watched tonight's RealTimers, and @jimjefferies crushed it. Especailly re: @piersmorgan
.@RalphGarman: Coulter feeds off @jimjefferies types smearing her: it's her shtick.He lacks smarts to undercut her to her base. @piersmorgan
MT @jimjefferies: No we both think you are a cunt [Ann Coulter tweet]
.@RichardWeaving: you wouldn't answer about Trump's amnesty, so try another: why didn't Trump just ramp up screening? Wouldn't we be safer?
In a safe & special place, Donald Trump sings a song he wrote: #NowPlaying #MusicFriday #TheResistance #MAGA
Trump thinks USA is a "democracy", "we're a nation of immigrants", & "the theater is a safe & special place". #idiocracy #MAGA #Trump2016
"Team Illegal Immigration" are smart, sane, & dedicated. "Team Stop Illegal Immigration" falls for charlatans like Trump. #MAGA #Trump2016
Likewise, "Team Illegal Immigration" keeps beating "Team Stop Illegal Immigration" because they're better. #MAGA #Trump2016 #Patriots
Why do the #Patriots keep winning? Does Belicheat have a magic gypsy talisman? No, it's because they're better than other teams. #MAGA
.@johnandkenshow: if you had smarts, sanity, & patriotism you'd have been demanding just stringent screening as I have since Dec 2015. #KFI
That's hilarious. What grade are you in now? MT @johnandkenshow Hack in a Dumpster: 9th Circuit Judges who upheld block on Trump travel ban
Welcome to the USA - policies by drunks at the ends of smalltown TN bars. Enjoy your stay! #MAGA #Trump2016
Surprised a lawyer didn't think of that! MT @Jmsbobby any victim of crime from illegals needs to sue their state & the govt 4 millions
Call & ask him why DT didn't just ramp up screening. MT @GurrdyGirl RT @JackiSchechner: I feel for you, @bpshow. @jfradioshow is giant moron
.@irishem333: your @wearewildfang has some link to @mpinoe. Have you asked her about all the cops killed by other BLM supporters like her?
.@philmonaco67: just because @JohnKStahlUSA lacks the smarts, sanity, & patriotism to show Liz Warren wrong doesn't mean you have to help.
.@espnstevelevy: why does #ESPN even bother with "NBA Friday", "NBA Wednesday", etc.? Hasn't ESPN always been about basketball 24/7?
MT @philmonaco67 RT @JohnKStahlUSA: Pelosi and Waters are regrettably in safe seats. However, I think we can take Pocahontas out in 2018
.@JackKingston: Trump might finally do what I urged 13 months ago: ramp up screening. If his fans were patriotic they'd have urged that too.
.@JackKingston: maybe you can try to put USA before cheap partisan games. Eg, by opposing the very pro-amnesty Puzder. Put USA first, Jack.
.@BobLeyESPN: instead of 24/7 basketball, #ESPN needs to throw in more soccer. Even tape-delayed, foreign offbrand, local feed soccer.
.@BobLeyESPN: #soccer is in various ways a better sport for USA than football. It's bad that #USMNT can't do as well as #USWNT.
In Dec 2015, I was wrong about Trump losing. I was right about #MuslimBan failing: #MAGA #Trump2016
Back in March, Trump later did a lukewarm version of what I'd suggested the day before: #MAGA #Trump2016
If Trump finally does smart thing & just ramps up screening, that will be the 2nd time it took Trump time to finally do things my way. #MAGA
Reportedly, one option Trump is considering is... what I've been suggesting since Dec 2015: *just* ramp up screening. #MAGA #immigration
Now, just mellow out: #NowPlaying #MusicThursday #TheResistance #MAGA
The smart, patriotic alternative to #MuslimBan: Want more? Hit the tip jar. #TheResistance #MAGA
ICYMI, Trump's thuggish, stupid, ineffective plan to stop anti-speech far-left: #MAGA? #TheResistance
Just ramping up screening would do that. Did Trump just do that? Will he? MT @LaughinHart RT @KarenMKunkle: let's make America safe again
.@daylinleach: if you were smart & sane, you'd try to show Trump wrong to his base. Instead, you're too insignificant for him to smear.
MT @daylinleach: Hey Trump... [w]hy don't you try to destroy my career you fascist, loofa-faced [more childish stuff omitted]
For the record, @AndyPetrowski has blocked me. After just 2 tweets:
.@KeithOlbermann: #TheResistance & cutesy GIFs aren't eg demanding Trump just ramps up screening. They aren't undercutting Trump to his fans
.@KeithOlbermann: despite 3-0 ruling, 10s of millions still think Trump is trying to keep USA safe, even as he tries to evade responsibility
.@alicetweet: instead of enabling Trump trying to evade his responsibilities, are you going to demand he just ramps up screening?
.@alicetweet: all Trump had/has to do to keep USA safe is ramp up screening. He lacks smarts & patriotism to just do that.
.@JD_2020: all DT had/has to do is ramp up screening to keep USA safe. @ScottAdamsSays just enabled him, hurting Trump & (importantly) USA
What mere mortals don't understand is that Trump is a Master Persuader. It just fails with those who have legal training. #MAGA #MuslimBan
Trump isn't playing 5 dimension chess but 12 dimension chess. #MuslimBan was just a plan to sell Ivanka's knitted hoodies. Brilliant! #MAGA
.@veryjackie: for instance, #AltRight & cons in general can't help others, much less themselves.
I showed how to solve that in Nov: Got no help. MT @veryjackie #twitter now hides tweets by [Gervais & Dilbert]
.@xrisfg: while Trump tries to evade responsibility for keeping USA safe, DavidGMcAfee just posts childish gifs. Please help him grow up.
MT @ACLU: We have been saying this for a while. [Trump's "see you in court" tweet]
Patriotic thing: just ramp up screening. Will he? Will @kayleighmcenany urge him? (No.) MT @survivinglife3 [Trump] should re-write order...
.@woitekj @Veteran4Trump: Trump just had to ramp up screening. Did he? Is he? No, he's passing the buck on blame for terrorism.
Wrong. MT @woitekj RT @Veteran4Trump: He's doing what he was elected for. [Trump] is Enforcing immigration laws & restoring the Constitution
MT @kayleighmcenany 9th Circuit showed why it is usually the most reversed circuit in the nation - they put personal politics above legality
Trump fans aren't capable of learning -> MT @thejewishright unconstitutional ruling of the #9thcircuit will give way for a broader EO
If I were a pol I'd think of my constituents as, frankly, animals. Not that I don't already think of other people that way.
.@PizzaGirl78 @ddiamond @SashaPSmith: choose a few *smart* ppl to ask questions at #ChaffetzTownHall etc.:
.@scottrenshaw: zingers don't change minds. Socratic questioning does. Pull it together and push that instead. #ChaffetzTownHall
Zing! Derp -> MT @scottrenshaw: Autism/vaccine Q asked. Chaffetz: "I've had a lot of people express concerns." Reply: "Are they scientists?"
.@PizzaGirl78 @ddiamond @SashaPSmith: shouting, chants, weak questions make ppl feel better but ultimately fail. #ChaffetzTownHall
.@Isikoff: if Trump'd just ramped up screening w/o regard to region/religion, he'd keep USA safer. When'll you ask him/proxy why he didn't?
.@Isikoff: you blog "Exclusive: Syria's Assad tells Yahoo News some refugees are 'definitely' terrorists". Would more screening stop them?
.@yoyoha: if you put USA first, you'd: a) point out to Trump fans that #MuslimBan makes USA less safe & b) not let DT escape responsibility.
.@yoyoha: you reply to Trump's "see you in court" tweet w/ yet another cutesy image. If you put USA first, what would you do?
Dershowitz thinks Trump would have a strong case @ Supremes, but "he needs to act now" if he's sincere about protecting USA. He isn't. #MAGA
.@jackschofield: Trump is trying to deflect blame for terrorism on others rather than doing his job. #TheResistance can just play kids games
.@jackschofield: in reply to his "see you in court" tweet, you ask Trump if he's clueless or a conman, complete w/ a childish image.
Dershowitz: "[the Trump admin] hasn't been subtle or sophisticated, and Trump's ego will get in the way". #hubris #idiocracy #MAGA! #GOP!
.@powerlineus: if Paul Mirengoff didn't lack smarts & patriotism, he'd urge Trump to ramp up screening w/o regard to region/religion.
Paul Mirengoff of @powerlineus continued: "in event of a terrorist act the travel ban might have prevented." He lacks smarts & patriotism.
Paul Mirengoff of @powerlineus says: "if [Supreme Court] doesn’t overturn the Ninth Circuit, it can share responsibility..." (contd)
.@bradheath: in 12/2015, 01/2016, etc etc you could have easily walked a Trump proxy through how his plans would be blocked. Why didn't you?
.@bradheath: I pointed out #MuslimBan & other Grand Trump Plans would be blocked way back in 2015. Why didn't you ask him/proxies about it?
MT @bradheath 9th Cir. invokes "numerous statements by the President about his intent to implement a 'Muslim ban'":
.@TaylorTwellman: #ESPN has basketball on 2 channels, WWE news on third. Burma v Andorra in #soccer (or whatever) would cost less/make more.
.@marcthiessen: listening then would have helped Trump; listening now would help him. Are you rational enough to help him or not?
.@marcthiessen: I've pointed out many times going back over 1 year that Trump's crazy plans would be blocked by the courts.
Per Stacy McCain (FWIW), @marcthiessen said on Fox that libs plan on "obstruction by litigation": tying up Trump in court.
.@DavidGMcAfee: which one of Trump's policies is most flawed per you, & how exactly is it flawed?
MT @DavidGMcAfee My tweets were disconnected from [Trump's see you in court] thread, so RT as much as possible [this childish image]
.@realDonaldTrump: all you had to do was ramp up screening. USA would be safer & you would've avoided a big fail. Why didn't you? #MAGA
In response to his 3-0 trouncing, @realDonaldTrump tweets "SEE YOU IN COURT, THE SECURITY OF OUR NATION IS AT STAKE!"
After all my Coulter tweets, there's this -> MT @RichardBSpencer Brady/Belichick are about to win bigly for Trump/#AltRight/White America!
Trump fans lacked smarts, sanity, and patriotism to demand that Trump just ramped up screening. They prefer a failed #MuslimBan. #MAGA?
All Trump had to do was ramp up screening. USA would be safer and he'd look better. He lacked smarts & patriotism to do that. #MAGA?
Appeals court decides 3-0 AGAINST Trump, #MuslimBan stay remains in place. #MAGA?
.@Mensans4Trump: if Trump tried to tax remittances, what are some of the ways that wouldn't happen? What's smart alternative to #MuslimBan?
.@Mensans4Trump: finally, smart Trump fans! How likely is Trump Wall? What could keep it from happening? What's Trump doing about that?
Melanian folk group w/ Nordstroms Sucks: #NowPlaying #MusicWednesday #MAGA #TheResistance
Montenegro folk group w/ We're Glad Trump Means Liberty: #NowPlaying #MusicWednesday #MAGA #TheResistance
.@CoolCatlovesyou: stopping anti-speech far-left from disrupting speakers needs a smart/sane/big tent response. Milo etc aren't capable.
So you're stupid too? MT @CoolCatlovesyou @ScottAdamsSays Hi Scott, I’m the creator of COOL CAT, and I stand with you on the UC mess
.@CoolCatlovesyou: Milo is just another r/w grifter; anti-speech far-left gave him the press he craves. He has no interest in stopping them.
Spanish folk group w/ Trump is #MAGA: #NowPlaying #MusicWednesday #MusicWotanstag #MAGA #TheResistance
Instead of opposing Liz Warren where weakest - #immigration - national #GOP & mouthbreathers like @LegInsurrection were "Pocahontas" 24/7.
Soon, national #GOP & mouthbreathers like @LegInsurrection became loudest anti-Liz Warren voices. They dumbed things *way* down. #MAGA?
I've said this many times before, but for Liz Warren's first run, #MAGOP opposed her on #immigration (to their credit). Then, it got dumber.
Sessions isn't smart enough to undercut Warren where weakest. MT @U_Got_Trumped: Don't think @SenatorSessions is worried about Pocahontas!
Something unrelated to Trump: #NowPlaying #MusicWednesday #MusicWotanstag #MAGA #TheResistances
Like his idol, Adams isn't too bright. MT @hallcyon RT @grep: @ScottAdamsSays why ["punish" #UCB when they weren't behind Milo violence]
.@MBoyle1: #SpiritOfAmerica will enable Trump; it won't help him or USA. Helping him would be demanding better. You lack patriotism to do it
.@MBoyle1: you say #SpiritOfAmerica organizer hopes Dem groups will "will get involved and step up to help the president, too". Help?
.@MBoyle1: congrats on your biggest scoop yet, learning exclusively about the #SpiritOfAmerica that will spring forth spontaneously. But...
.@Crimsontider: will #SpiritOfAmerica cheer Trump's crazy #MuslimBan, when just stringent screening w/o regard to religion is all we need?
.@Crimsontider: will #SpiritOfAmerica cheer Trump naming amnesty fans (Puzder,Mulvaney) and Trump supporting the anti-American DREAMAct?
