Glenn Reynolds stoops to promoting giving politicians "bunny ears"
Glenn Reynolds promotes the following picture at, and it's difficult to find the words to describe just how pathetic it is. The picture shows someone wearing a Tucson tea party t-shirt standing behind Rep. Raul Grijalva and holding up two fingers in a "bunny ears" sign. In a way this is emblematic of the tea parties: rather than engaging their opponents in debate, they engage in childish, unintelligent, and ultimately completely ineffective behavior.
And, I say that not as a Grijalva supporter, but as someone who'd like to see him discredited. He was first mentioned here over six years ago, and subsequent posts discussing him have pointed out that he's not just a strong supporter of illegal immigration but he's a proud former member of the racial separatist group MEChA. Given all the facts about him and all his many stated positions and his legislation, it would be fairly easy for someone who's familiar with immigration issues - or the other issues he's been involved in - to engage him in debate and show how he's wrong.
Obviously, that requires people who are smart and who are adults, and Glenn Reynolds and the tea partiers have issues on that score.
UPDATE: As if that wasn't enough, Reynolds features this in his weekend round-up, saying, "Some Tea Party photo fun with a member of Congress" (

Fred Dawes (not verified)
Mon, 07/13/2009 - 02:45
HS 18669 2009-07-13T04:45:30-05:00
All politcians are rats not nice little bunny people, the system is full of little low life humans not rats, in fact real rats are good guys and girls of the real beast world.
eh (not verified)
Mon, 07/13/2009 - 11:03
HS 18670 2009-07-13T13:03:11-05:00
Stop insulting rats Fred.
Mary (not verified)
Mon, 07/13/2009 - 14:23
HS 18671 2009-07-13T16:23:25-05:0
Those concerned about Americans retaining jobs over Illegals...check out and sign their petition to stop Obama from cutting out the amnedments preserving e-verify in the bill on homeland security. They are trying to get as many signatures as possible.
Horace (not verified)
Wed, 07/15/2009 - 09:32
HS 18672 2009-07-15T11:32:33-05:00
Pointing out the fact that there are some people in the tea parties who aren't as mature as others is hardly productive LW. Your arguments against them are hardly persuasive. They do get more attention from the press these days than you do through your "ask the politician" campaign.
Mary (not verified)
Wed, 07/15/2009 - 14:39
HS 18673 2009-07-15T16:39:03-05:0
Horace, I agree with you....I'm sure that Tea Party participants are frustrated and feel like they need to do 'something' stop this runaway train over a cliff. You can ask all the questions you want if you get a chance..(not likley).....but politicians are skillful at evading and skirting issues.Obama stacks the deck by filling his town halls with supporters so how hard can those questions even be? It is the job of the press to ask the hard questions and they are too starry eyed over their messiah to do the job they should....that's why they are failing miserably and going out of business.