Dick Durbin: consult with Mexico on border fence

Senator Chris Dodd (D-CT) added a provision to the Senate's immigration bill that says in part:

CONSULTATION REQUIREMENT -- Consultations between United States and Mexican authorities at the federal, state, and local levels concerning the construction of additional fencing and related border security structures along the United States-Mexico border shall be undertaken prior to commencing any new construction, in order to solicit the views of affected communities, lessen tensions and foster greater understanding and stronger cooperation on this and other important issues of mutual concern.

There's backstory and backfilling on this here.

Now comes Senator Dick Durbin (D-MX) (via this):

I mean, to think that we would build a fence without any conversation or consultation with Mexico β€” that doesn't makes sense... Good fences make good neighbors, too. And remember that when it's all over, there'll be cities across the border from one another in the United States and Mexico, and you'll find in most instances they try to find a level of cooperation... We ultimately want to have the cooperation of the Mexican government. That's going to make this a lot easier, to stop the corruption on either side of the border, to stop these coyotes that are taking thousands of dollars to push people across that border at the risk of losing their lives... We should have consultation. There's nothing wrong with that.


Durbin is working for mexico city and has been making a hell of a good living, much like bush.

did you know how much money some people have handed out to old dick? how about 30 million in 5 years. all of our so called politicians have been getting big money from many places in this world, and many are "owned by other's", if you know what i mean?

"Durbin must be one of many politicians being paid off by Mexico!! "

Tsk, tsk, Chris. NEVER attribute to malice what can be explained by incompetence. Durbin is obviously not real deep.

Would he mean cooperation like we ask Mexico if we can build a fence on the border. Their answer is NO. And we say Oh, okay, never mind then. That would be some cooperation, wouldn't it. I don't want any cooperation with them. Let's just build the fence, who cares what Vicente thinks. We already knows he want the whole Enchilada and Bush want to give it to him bad.

Durbin must be one of many politicians being paid off by Mexico!! So, we go ask Mexico for permission to build the fence and they say "hell no". Heck....they are already threatening to take us to court for putting the military on the border. I didn't know that Fox was our President!

"We ultimately want to have the cooperation of the Mexican government. That's going to make this a lot easier, to stop the corruption on either side of the border, to stop these coyotes that are taking thousands of dollars to push people across that border at the risk of losing their lives... We should have consultation. There's nothing wrong with that."- Durbin

Is Durbin a complete idiot? Can he be completely unaware of the nature of Mexican government and society? All-pervasive corruption and hatred of the gringo are both imbedded deep in the marrow of Mexican society. The have never been an ally or even a friend of the US and they have no interest in helping us.