Tweets to Human Coalition

Human Coalition's avatar
Twitter handle: 
Human Coalition
Human Coalition cooperatively rescues children and families from abortion using compassion and technology.
Tweets to this user:
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@brandonmshow: in '18 you blogged re Twitter censoring @HumanCoalition ads. They're still complaining about that. Either they're lying or they/you aren't effective. The smart, sincere way to oppose censorship - the only way that works - is *across the board*. Esp those you hate
Peter J. Hasson's avatar
From @peterjhasson
Big news: I have a book coming out Feb 4 on Google/Facebook/Silicon Valley's political biases, drawing on leaked do…
joe barnas ❄️'s avatar
From @BarnasJoe
@peterjhasson @TuckerCarlson @esaagar very cool, congrats!
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@BarnasJoe: in 2018, @peterjhasson blogged re Twitter censoring @HumanCoalition ads. They're still complaining about that. That means either HC is lying, or Hasson lacks the power to make Twitter listen. Let's assume the 2nd. List some reasons why Hasson is ineffectual: