Pro-illegal immigration advocates seemingly have no shame

They're attempting to not-so-subtly paint Schwarzenegger as a Nazi if he doesn't support Gil Cedillo's legal-driver's-licenses-for-illegal-aliens bill: Tarzana a group of five rabbis from the Valley and one from Hollywood said they support giving licenses to illegal immigrants, but object to the governor's suggestion that such licenses have a mark which identifies the person as an illegal.

"It is inappropriate at best and deeply upsetting at worst," said Rabbi Dan Moscovitz of Temple Judea in Tarzana, reading a letter the rabbis sent to the governor last week.

"It will be used by some persons to treat the undocumented with scorn and ethnic discrimination."

Signers of the letter included Moscovitz, Rabbis Karen Bender and Donald Goor of Temple Judea, Rabbi Steven B. Jacobs of Temple Kol Tikvah in Woodland Hills, Rabbi Jim Kaufman of Temple Beth Hillel in Valley Village and Rabbi John Rosove of Temple Israel of Hollywood.

Moscovitz cited the Jewish experience in being singled out during the Holocaust and said that, had this bill been proposed 40 years ago, Jews would have become targets of such discrimination.

Schwarzenegger spokeswoman Margita Thompson said the governor is not committed to the idea of the identifying mark, but has looked at it as a possibility.

See also the earlier post 'Gil Cedillo: using a horrible crime for political purposes'.


If they're going to bring up this sort of history; why not mention that Hitler was an illegal alien, when he joined the German cause? If he had been turned back to the Austrians, the entire range of persecutions might have been avoided. His attitude towards borders is not one that we should appease.