Tweets to Sam Bagenstos

Sam Bagenstos's avatar
Twitter handle: 
Sam Bagenstos
Ann Arbor, MI
Civil rights lawyer and law prof. Tweets are in my individual capacity and do not reflect the views of any institution with which I am affiliated.
Tweets to this user:
Sam Bagenstos's avatar
From @sbagen
RT @whstancil: I think @ericlevitz should start a “Obvious Political Observations That Democrats Have Convinced Themselves Cannot Be True”…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@sbagen @whstancil: a line of questioning I'm sure you can come up would show Trump's bans were either unnecessary or endangered the USA. Using that against Trump's proxies would greatly help the USA. @ericlevitz has access to Trump proxies. Has he ever done anything like that?