Tweets to Rick Baker ❌

Rick Baker ❌'s avatar
Twitter handle: 
Rick Baker ❌
Lexington, KY
Journalist, animal advocate, conservative, retired Army intel, retired PD crime analyst, Kentucky Wildcats fan, MOLON LABE, No lists, RTs not endorsements...
Tweets to this user:
Rick Baker ❌'s avatar
From @rickbkylex
RT @DonaldJTrumpJr: I’ve been pretty vocal about the one sided censorship of conservatives on social media. Here’s me talking about it this…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
DJTJ is lying to you. Twitter heavily censors all kinds of users. See the real data at my pinned tweet. He's also helping TWTR by shrinking their opposition MT @rickbkylex MT @DonaldJTrumpJr: I’ve been pretty vocal about the one sided censorship of conservatives on social media
Rick Baker ❌'s avatar
From @rickbkylex
RT @CIS_org: Today, we announced that we're suing the president of the SPLC. “The Center for Immigration Studies is fighting back against…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@rickbkylex: read this about @MarkSKrikorian with an open mind. He's a thief: he steals money from people & does nothing. If he thinks that's wrong, he's welcome to sue me. He won't because he knows he'd lose.
Rick Baker ❌'s avatar
From @rickbkylex
RT @TomFitton: Happy New Year! In 2018, @JudicialWatch took the lead in defending the rule of law on immigration and election integrity, ta…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@rickbkylex: to reduce illegal immigration, all @TomFitton needs to do is get Trump etc to make arguments that undercut Pelosi to her base. It's unnatural for libs to enable pro-Big Biz policies; pointing that out would help solve the problem. Ask Tom why he refuses to do it.
Rick Baker ❌'s avatar
From @rickbkylex
RT @24AheadDotCom_: DT refused to help stop O's refugees agenda. MT @rickbkylex RT @karlak916: Trump saved America when @BarackObama has be…
Rick Baker ❌'s avatar
From @rickbkylex
RT @karlak916: @realDonaldTrump saved America when @BarackObama has been destroying the USA decreasing our military to make us weak! The li…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
DT refused to help stop O's refugees agenda. MT @rickbkylex RT @karlak916: Trump saved America when @BarackObama has been destroying the USA