Tweets to Julia Song

Julia Song's avatar
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Julia Song
• Biggest fan of Capitalism • Political Activist/Commentator 👊 Socialism Survivor • Trying to wake people - I tweet a lot! 🇺🇸
Tweets to this user:
Celine D. Ryan's avatar
From @celinedryan
Remember when the media tried to take down Trump by saying he looked directly at the sun?
David Ratliff 🐻's avatar
From @1ChicagoDave
@celinedryan @realjuliasong There are literally enough stories like this to post a new one each day for 3+ years.
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
Ryan would strongly oppose MSM doing what I want: calling *all* pols on the huge flaws in their plans. Like how Trump's ban wasn't needed or endangered USA. MT @1ChicagoDave [itd] MT @celinedryan [MSM "tried to take down Trump by saying he looked directly at the sun"]
Jon Miller's avatar
From @MillerStream
Pump the brakes on Elise Stefanik. She voted in favor of DACA amnesty, against the border wall, in favor of Paris c…
Julia Song's avatar
From @realjuliasong
@MillerStream I mean Paul Ryan loves her so what do you expect
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
Trump's repeatedly hinted at or outright supported legalizing millions of DREAMer illegal aliens. Despite his bluster, he mostly agrees with Paul Ryan on immigration. MT @realjuliasong MT @MillerStream Pump the brakes on Elise Stefanik. She voted in favor of DACA amnesty...