Tweets to peterstuarttenn

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Marty Blartfast's avatar
From @Munchensenton
@PeterStuartTenn @MandrakeTheMagi @ScottAdamsSays @24AheadDotCom_ @eddiecool And a larger portion of detractors too…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@eddiecool: since USA (& Israel, etc) have history of hacking nuke programs, any @ScottAdamsSays prediction is like "it'll rain this year".
Scott Adams's avatar
From @ScottAdamsSays
@24AheadDotCom_ @eddiecool If it is easy, makes you wonder why everyone doesn't do it.
Unknown user's avatar
From @PeterStuartTenn
@ScottAdamsSays @24AheadDotCom_ @eddiecool You throw out broad ideas then claim any that land near the target as predictions. It's a con.
Unknown user's avatar
From @PeterStuartTenn
@ScottAdamsSays @24AheadDotCom_ @eddiecool Then keep telling us how you predicted x and y. Retweet any followers wh…
Unknown user's avatar
From @PeterStuartTenn
@ScottAdamsSays @24AheadDotCom_ @eddiecool You keep quiet about anything you get wrong to really push the Scott is infallible narrative.
Unknown user's avatar
From @PeterStuartTenn
@ScottAdamsSays @24AheadDotCom_ @eddiecool People who call you out don't have a valid argument, clearly they have c…
Unknown user's avatar
From @MandrakeTheMagi
@PeterStuartTenn @ScottAdamsSays @24AheadDotCom_ @eddiecool The butthurt is real.
Unknown user's avatar
From @PeterStuartTenn
@ScottAdamsSays @24AheadDotCom_ @eddiecool I guess not everyone is doing it because not everyone is a con man.
Unknown user's avatar
From @PeterStuartTenn
@MandrakeTheMagi @ScottAdamsSays @24AheadDotCom_ @eddiecool Clearly it helps if a significant proportion of your followers are dimwits.
Unknown user's avatar
From @onlypersuasion
@24AheadDotCom_ @eddiecool @ScottAdamsSays "The bitterest man in the living room" :)
The Untouchable Ralph Northam's avatar
From @FlakeNewz
@ScottAdamsSays @24AheadDotCom_ @eddiecool 24 You're predictions are really obvious SA Nobody else is making them PV You're stupid!