Tweets to Ned Segal

Ned Segal's avatar
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Ned Segal
San Francisco
CFO @Twitter, dad, husband, proud San Franciscan, Giants fan, chocolate chip cookie connoisseur
Tweets to this user:
Ned Segal's avatar
From @nedsegal
Doesn’t pay to cheat. Great teaching moment. Houston Astros fire manager and general manager over sign-stealing…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
In your case it certainly pays to lie. You lie to millions around the world by ghosting their replies. You help Rouhani, Medvedev, etc hide from dissent. When that comes out, good luck. MT @nedsegal Doesn’t pay to cheat. Great teaching moment [Astros fire Hinch...]
Ned Segal's avatar
From @nedsegal
From #CES2020 by ⁦@Derella⁩: We decided to ban political ads based on principle
Dr. D  🤖's avatar
From @realdarkromance
@nedsegal @Derella As a shareholder of $twtr, I particularly liked the focus on partnerships and growth around mone…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@realdarkromance: @nedsegal ghosts & thus lies to millions worldwide. All non-verified accounts need to worry. Eventually the media is going to cover the real, easily reproducible data at my pinned tweet. When 95% of Twitter users are worried about censorship, whither $TWTR?
Ned Segal's avatar
From @nedsegal
Thanks @jchatterleyCNN for having me on to talk about @Twitter's work on @cnn this morning!
HODDY's avatar
@nedsegal @TwitterIR @jchatterleyCNN @Twitter @CNN Explains the $twtr stock price drop today! Every time @nedsegal…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@B_HODDY @Adam_Majk: @nedsegal heavily censors millions around the world, everyone from those replying to Mike Trout to Iranian & Russian dissidents. See the real, reproducible data at my pinned tweet. Eventually someone's going to cover that & $TWTR will plummet.
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@MaximoBistrot: hey Max, I'm sure @nedsegal is a good customer. However, he also lies to millions of people around the world by ghosting their replies: he makes them think their replies are visible but they're actually hidden. I can't imagine ever doing anything like that. You?
TWEETER IR's avatar
From @Tweeter_IR
The $TWTR banning needs to cool down @jack @nedsegal @vijaya. Just like Jay Powell and the Fed, OK we get your point
Prof. Qiang Liu 劉強's avatar
From @Liu3chiang
@Tweeter_IR @jack @nedsegal @vijaya just let people control what they want to read. let people to control if they wanted to be @ or replied.
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@Tweeter_IR: Twitter's hi-profile bannings of r/w grifters distracts from the much, much more serious issue of their "quality filter" censoring millions of users (and lying to those users via ghosting). Finding a reporter to cover the real data at my top tweet would reduce bans.
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@Liu3chiang: see the real data on Twitter censorship at my top tweet. Marsha Blackburn, Ajit Pai, etc. shouldn't be able to tune out some voters & tune others in: that's anti-Constitution. Yet, that's what Twitter is doing via their "quality filter". Speak out against that.