Tweets to Ellen Nakashima

Ellen Nakashima's avatar
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Ellen Nakashima
Washington, D.C.
National security reporter for The Washington Post. Contact me securely on Signal at 240-580-9913 or
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Ellen Nakashima's avatar
From @nakashimae
Moscow's reprising the 2016 playbook. Boost Sanders. Stoke divisions in the Dem primary. That helps Trump.
Billy Schaeffer's avatar
From @DaBillySCH
@nakashimae @NPRKelly Does it help Trump? It’s been a pretty substantive debate throughout the primary? Mostly deba…
Polleke's avatar
From @PaulG254
@nakashimae This is disinfo / propaganda
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
This dim bulb is doing Putin's bidding, completely unwittingly. RT @nakashimae Moscow's reprising the 2016 playbook. Boost Sanders. Stoke divisions in the Dem primary. That helps Trump.
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@PaulG254: indeed. @nakashimae can't even view Putin's league. She does Putin's bidding, helping him sow chaos rather than even trying to figure out what he might really be trying to do.
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@DaBillySCH: @nakashimae - Wapo blogger who probably gets confused by Sizzler menu - simply isn't in same league as the very smart & ruthless billionaire KGB agent who heads a nuclear power. Her trying to figure out what Putin is doing is like me against Messi, but much worse.
Ellen Nakashima's avatar
From @nakashimae
Sanders, informed by U.S. officials that Russia is trying to help his campaign, told us: "I don't care, frankly, wh…
Sharon Sharp's avatar
From @asoldiersvoice
@nakashimae @JohnLaprise So he’ll tell Putin to stay out of American elections after he gets help from Putin to win. Alrighty then.
John Laprise, Ph.D.'s avatar
From @JohnLaprise
@asoldiersvoice @nakashimae Well as a senator, his capacity to tell Putin to go anything and have him obey is speculative at best
Shane Harris's avatar
From @shaneharris
SCOOP: Bernie Sanders briefed by U.S. officials that Russia is trying to help his presidential campaign…
Ant Evans's avatar
From @AntEvansMMA
@shaneharris @AshleyRParker @nakashimae @michaelscherer @WaPoSean Astonishingly weak response by Sanders on this vital issue. Awful.
Damon Martin's avatar
From @DamonMartin
@AntEvansMMA @shaneharris @AshleyRParker @nakashimae @michaelscherer @WaPoSean That’s utterly ridiculous not to men…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@DamonMartin: @shaneharris & other MSM toadies are too dim to understand all the reasons why Putin - a very smart, very ruthless, very rich KGB agent - might do what he does. Those dim bulbs take everything at face value. They also *help* Putin by pushing censorship.