Tweets to Carlye Archibeque

Carlye Archibeque's avatar
Twitter handle: 
Carlye Archibeque
Los Angeles, California
Loner, introvert, misanthrope desperately in search of friends.
Tweets to this user:
WonderWoman934🌊 🌊's avatar
From @WonderWoman934
RT @carlye666: @WeisDallas @AnnCoulter What’s your view on refusing asylum to people fleeing domestic and gang violence?
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
I was asked to write a bogus political persecution letter once. How often does that happen (& cite your research)? MT @WonderWoman934 RT @carlye666: [a WeisDallas & AnnCoulter] What’s your view on refusing asylum to people fleeing domestic and gang violence?
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
Is the solution to those issues to just let everyone who claims to be a victim of those issues in? Will that stop those issues? MT @WonderWoman934 RT @carlye666: [a WeisDallas & AnnCoulter] What’s your view on refusing asylum to people fleeing domestic and gang violence?