Tweets to John Cassidy

John Cassidy's avatar
Twitter handle: 
John Cassidy
New York City
Writer at The New Yorker. Politics, economics, other stuff. Books: "How Markets Fail" and "Dot.Con" (RTs aren't endorsements--often they are mnemonics.)
Tweets to this user:
John Cassidy's avatar
From @JohnCassidy
The Real Backstory of Why Trump Ordered the Killing of Suleimani Is Becoming More Clear
Vicky Brago-Mitchell's avatar
From @BragoVictoria
@JohnCassidy For Pompeo, who seems to be the prime mover here, it was revenge...something more than just a grudge.
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
Cassidy ignores where Trump's vulnerable for where he isn't. He might as well be collecting a paycheck from #Trump2020. MT @BragoVictoria [joins in] MT @JohnCassidy [hypes his "The Real Backstory of Why Trump Ordered the Killing of Suleimani Is Becoming More Clear" blog]
John Cassidy's avatar
From @JohnCassidy
"He really doesn’t believe in advisers," said a Republican in close touch with Trump.
brian_dino's avatar
From @yoSpliney
@JohnCassidy @PhilipRucker "I hire only the best people."
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
In which century will #TheResistance realize their lines don't work? For 4+ years there have been incredibly easy ways to undercut Trump. Why hasn't Cassidy used any of them? MT @JohnCassidy [Trump's a one-man band] RT @yoSpliney "I hire only the best people."