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From @getongab
Michael Bloomberg Says “We Put All The Cops In Minority Neighborhoods Because That’s Where All The Crime Is.”…
Joe Ureneck's avatar
From @joe__ureneck
@getongab Truth is treason.
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@joe__ureneck: FYI, @getongab blocked me for pointing out #dissenter would fail & that they *help* Twitter censorship by shrinking the tent (falsely pretending only cons are censored even as Twitter heavily censors dissidents in IR, RU, etc). Now the join an SJW pile-on.
George lowrie's avatar
From @lowrie_george
@getongab @realDonaldTrump @parscale @DanScavino Real pity you guys went all religious censorship on us, had high h…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@lowrie_george: I haven't used my Gab account lately, but @getongab blocked me here for a) correctly pointing out dissenter would fail, & b) correctly pointing out they keep lying about who's censored on Twitter (see my pinned tweet). Gab *helps* Twitter by shrinking the tent.'s avatar
From @getongab
Twitter just suspended two of the accounts POTUS just retweeted, within an hour of him retweeting them. Hey…
From @jarathel
@getongab @realDonaldTrump @parscale @DanScavino Nothing will change.
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
If burglaries keep happening, are the cops any good? Gab/Trump/Parscale all lie about *and thus help* Twitter censorship. They could stop it if they used my data (pinned tweet). MT @jarathel MT @getongab ...if Trump RTs your account you have a 10% chance of being suspended...
Ann Coulter's avatar
From @AnnCoulter
Mirka's avatar
From @M_Sighil
@AnnCoulter @getongab Sounds positive. Indeed, sane policy to put a moratorium on immigration.
🇨🇦 True North Gal 🇨🇦's avatar
From @TrueNorthTasha
@AnnCoulter These candidates need to work hard to appeal to the young voters. They can do that by showcasing the ec…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@M_Sighil: indeed, we should reduce immigration for a while. However, it's not sane of @AnnCoulter to cheer @pdabrosca calling for a 10-year moratorium since it would never happen any more than Trump's "wall" has happened. At what point does MAGA recognize demagogic grifters?
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@TrueNorthTasha: Trump can't get his "wall", imagine how much resistance the @pdabrosca moratorium would face. The smart way to reduce immigration is to make arguments against it that appeal to *liberals*. Ask Pete to show his bona fides by doing that first.'s avatar
From @getongab
Gonna hide all replies to tweets for the lulz
R͛y̋̅ͭaͦ͐̏n͒ͩ̆ ̇̓M̓̓̒c̾͂̇Ed̈́̂͌gͮ́̓e͌̈l̐̄̐ő̐r̓d̍̃'s avatar
From @Metalngames
@getongab Hide me daddy
Be me, being a 🍑hole's avatar
From @treylw89
@Metalngames @getongab >enter Incognito mode to bypass Gab's tyrannical new censorship policy
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@treylw89: FYI, @getongab blocked me for pointing out #Dissenter would fail like all past similar efforts. They've also constantly *helped* Twitter censor people by falsely pretending only cons are censored. They've COINTELPROed what should be a big tent opposition to censorship
Will Sommer's avatar
From @willsommer
Google has banned Gab’s attempt to create a comment section for the whole internet from the Chrome store's avatar
From @getongab
@willsommer Our full statement, which was not included in your blog post.
Jack's avatar
From @DaniloBlandon79
@getongab @willsommer He didn’t include it because no one cares.
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@DaniloBlandon79: see the real data at my pinned tweet or "Brad Parscale Is Wrong About Twitter Censorship" on Youtube. Twitter heavily censors lib replies to Trump officials. Despite lots of trying, I can't get reporters to cover it, even though it'd really make Trump look bad.
Amberwinborn⭐️⭐️⭐️'s avatar
From @Amberwinborn
@DevinNunes Another example of @Jack and @Twitter censoring Conservatives that have a high following & therefore an…
Pillin Em Softly's avatar
From @scooter765
@Amberwinborn @DevinNunes @jack @Twitter @getongab he put out a video saying he voluntarily deactivated his account…
Amberwinborn⭐️⭐️⭐️'s avatar
From @Amberwinborn
@scooter765 @DevinNunes @jack @Twitter @getongab Oh, ok, didn't know that, thanks for telling me. Of course before…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@Amberwinborn @scooter765: there are actually few conservatives on Twitter (place an ad targeting cons & you'll see). Twitter heavily censors all kinds of users. When GetOnGab falsely pretends only cons are censored they *help* Twitter be marginalizing the opposition.
Ivan Troy Vincent's avatar
From @troyv66
RT @Jaoheah: I have been banned from an image hosting site called for supporting @getongab and the first amendment.…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@troyv66 @Jaoheah: I got blocked by GetOnGab for pointing out Dissenter would fail like all the similar past efforts & for pointing out they don't really oppose censorship. They only oppose those they agree with being censored, and that's not what opposing censorship is about.
Scott Greer's avatar
From @ScottMGreer
The Nunes lawsuit is really dumb, according to people who know tech law. Not only is it based on silly grounds, it…
Dagny Delinquent's avatar
From @DagnyDelinquent
@ScottMGreer @getongab You're trying to tell me that this is bad?
Scott Greer's avatar
From @ScottMGreer
@DagnyDelinquent @getongab Nunes is helping Liz Mair make more money. Yeah that's bad
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@ScottMGreer: getongab blocked me for pointing out they don't really oppose censorship. They only oppose censorship of cons & you don't really oppose censorship unless you oppose those you'd sooner silence being censored. Likewise, they help marginalize the opposition.
Enthéos's avatar
From @EntheosShines
RT @EntheosShines: MEDIA BLACKOUT: Owner Of The Twitter Competitor Site @getongab Is Being Terrorized By The Dark-Left After The Fake News…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
Very few Twitter users are cons. Gab falsely pretends only cons are censored. That means they're deliberately reducing their possible audience. MT @EntheosShines RT @EntheosShines: MEDIA BLACKOUT: Owner Of Twitter Competitor Site getongab Being Terrorized By Dark-Left
