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FOX Business
New York, NY
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Dr Gina - Text “TRUMP” to 88022's avatar
From @RealDrGina
Does @realDonaldTrump deserve a peace prize yet or what?? Coming up in a few on @FoxBusiness @LouDobbs…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
If it involves him trading US citizenship for Swedish, I say a resounding yes. Trump's DREAMer amnesty will harm workers & students via unnecessary competition. Obama didn't care about that & neither does Trump. MT @RealDrGina Does Trump deserve a peace prize yet or what?
FOX Business's avatar
From @FoxBusiness
.@POTUS Calls for Immigration Compromise, Elicits Boos from Some Observers: 'Americans Are Dreamers Too'…
Debbie Dooley's avatar
From @Crimsontider
@FoxBusiness @POTUS He lost a big portion of his base tonight with his betrayal on DACA amnesty. His plan places Am…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
Help Trump. Get him to support voluntary repatriations instead of amnesty & smart arguments instead of what clearly doesn't work. Urge his proxies to tell him that. #MAGA MT @Crimsontider [Trump] lost a big portion of his base tonight with his betrayal on DACA amnesty
FOX Business's avatar
From @FoxBusiness
.@RepMattGaetz to @trish_regan on tax reform bill: "My hope is that we won't view this as an end point but as reall…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
Like the wealthy who want lower taxes? MT @FoxBusiness @RepMattGaetz to @trish_regan on tax reform bill: "[I hope] we won't view this as end point but as really the beginning of a thorough review of the laws in DC to ensure that they don't bend to the will of special interests."
Erroll McGowen's avatar
From @ErrollmMcGowen
RT @FoxBusiness: .@AnnCoulter: All of the things that we like that's happening with @POTUS, goes away with the next president. "Only a wall…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@ErrollmMcGowen: Trump Wall won't be "forever" as @AnnCoulter says. The same people blocking funding for it will block funding for its upkeep or just tear it down. The Wall will need upkeep, right? Who's going to fund it? Coulter can't figure that out. #MAGA #immigration
Salvator LaMastra V's avatar
From @salvatorDMD
RT @FoxBusiness: .@AnnCoulter: All of the things that we like that's happening with @POTUS, goes away with the next president. "Only a wall…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@salvatorDMD: dentists are smart, yes? Trump has trouble getting funding for the Wall & has to cut deals. If the next Pres is a Dem, how is The Wall's upkeep going to be funded? Won't there be a push to tear down The Wall? Are you in on the game or just can't figure that out?
Stephen Alley (44th SPS/SPOS-D) #MAGAVeteran's avatar
From @StephenAlley64
RT @FoxBusiness: .@AnnCoulter: All of the things that we like that's happening with @POTUS, goes away with the next president. "Only a wall…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@StephenAlley64: the same forces that block funding for Trump Wall will work to tear it down later, & there's nothing you can do about it. @AnnCoulter can't figure that out & refuses to use anti-illegal #immigration plans that'd actually work. #MAGA
John Binder 👽's avatar
From @JxhnBinder
RT @FoxBusiness: .@AnnCoulter: All of the things that we like that's happening with @POTUS, goes away with the next president. "Only a wall…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@JxhnBinder: Trump Wall - whatever little of it that's built - wouldn't be "forever" as Coulter says. The same forces that have undercut funding now will undercut maintenance later or move to tear the parts down. Your supporters need to know you can't figure that out. #MAGA
Wwwillstand's avatar
From @wwwillstand
RT @FoxBusiness: .@AnnCoulter: All of the things that we like that's happening with @POTUS, goes away with the next president. "Only a wall…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@wwwillstand: can't you see President Chelsea making a big deal about going to the border and taking a pint-sized sledgehammer to part of Trump Wall, with wall-to-wall MSM coverage? Coulter can't figure that out. #MAGA
Pam Besteder's avatar
From @pambesteder
RT @FoxBusiness: .@AnnCoulter: All of the things that we like that's happening with @POTUS, goes away with the next president. "Only a wall…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@pambesteder: just as Trump has to make deals to get just a small amount of Trump Wall funding, it'll be incredibly easy to tear down what little of Trump Wall is built when he leaves office. @AnnCoulter can't figure that out. #MAGA #immigration
Robert Campbell sr.'s avatar
From @zeitgeist2o12
RT @FoxBusiness: .@AnnCoulter: All of the things that we like that's happening with @POTUS, goes away with the next president. "Only a wall…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@zeitgeist2o12: just as Trump has trouble getting funding for even a small part of Trump Wall now, there will be incredible pressure to tear it down or not maintain it later: @AnnCoulter isn't capable of figuring that out & doing smarter things. #MAGA
