Tweets to Linda KWS

Linda KWS's avatar
Twitter handle: 
Linda KWS
I'm fighting 2 protect TRUTH, our PLANET & DEMOCRACY from #Trump #Putin & #GOP daily w/ facts! #RidenWithBiden #JoeBiden I RT #MissingKids every1 needs 2b home
Tweets to this user:
James Comey's avatar
From @Comey
Ranting from the podium wasn’t the most disturbing thing that happened in the East Room yesterday. The audience reaction was.
Trent Capelli 🇨🇦's avatar
From @TrentCapelli
@Comey I’ve been an ethics lawyer for almost 25 years. I’ve worked on many files rife with corruption, including Le…
From @OMETA16
@Comey BBC reports that a study in 2014 showed that the US is an oligarchy not a democracy. Other Oligarchy Countr…
Linda KWS's avatar
From @LindaKWS1
@OMETA16 @Comey We all tried warning everyone before 2016, screaming from the rooftops! No one listened
B 🦅's avatar
From @brianRodden5
@TrentCapelli @Comey Thanks Canadian guy.......waiting for Sweden dudes to chime in, because we really care.......
Donna Marie's avatar
From @donnam44
@brianRodden5 @TrentCapelli @Comey Jesus, we need all the allies we can get. Grateful to Canadians, @TrentCapelli e…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@donnam44: it's always been incredibly easy to undercut Trump to his base using the huge flaws in his plans. It's always been incredibly easy to use Trump's childish name-calling against him. *None* of your leaders - @TrentCapelli on up - are smart enough to figure that out.
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@LindaKWS1: Trump won because people like you enable leaders like @Comey. When Trump calls him names, Comey should always pivot to something that would undercut Trump to his base. Instead, he plays right into the bully's hands. Your leaders have *always* just helped Trump.
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@LindaKWS1: after months & months, how is @duty2warn doing? They held a pathetic parade, got a burst of press, & all they did was at best help Trump. To undercut Trump all they have to do is engage him/his proxies in Socratic debate. They lack smarts/sanity to help with that.
Linda KWS's avatar
From @LindaKWS1
RT @RepBetoORourke: There's no security risk to our community or country in ensuring pregnant women are able to be with family & get the ca…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@LindaKWS1: @RepBetoORourke is on the take. Mexico can't take care of their own pregnant women, and he enables that rather than demanding their do their job. #Texas #immigration
Linda KWS's avatar
From @LindaKWS1
RT @ChrisMurphyCT: My god. At this exact moment people are dying in the worst natural disaster of his Presidency & instead of leading he's…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@LindaKWS1: one wonders what @ChrisMurphyCT would have Trump do. Part the rain water? He sounds like a deranged ODS victim. #MAGA #resist