
Shoulda saved the comment/post/? where a #Teaparty idiot highlighted how Mark Vaughan was a Job Creator. Like moochers wouldn't do the same.
.@CuestionMarque: how do you suggest "solving immigration problem"?
RT CuestionMarque GOP mouthpieces for AgriBiz.. aren't interested in solving immigration... b/c they profit soMuch from cheaper illegals.
I get to point out how superior I am to r/w blogger types, *and* they won't use my advice to compete against me. #tcot #teaparty #gop #sgp
The great thing about giving good advice to r/w blogger types is they're too dumb, corrupt, & prideful to take it. #tcot #teaparty #gop #sgp
Just between you & moi, here's what I'm referring to From 2009. Give Federalist another decade to catch up.
The #Federalist post (posts?) on #Wikipedia *help* WP in a major way they're too dumb to realize. #tcot #teaparty #ows #uniteblue
.@seanmdav: if r/w bloggers really cared about discrediting #Wikipedia, they'd have helped with #tcot #sgp
Close-up hiker's video of Mount Ontake in #Japan erupting: #tcot #teaparty #ows #uniteblue
More #Politico public service oriented journalism: "How well do you know Chelsea Clinton?" Not as well as I'd like. #tcot #teaparty #ows
.@FutureBoy: at TwitterCommunity, a #Twitter "engineer" admits they broke #OAuth (& thus broke many apps). Normal companies test first.
.@seanmdav: one thing you do in your post on #Wikipedia *helps* them. Also: why didn't you people help me with my anti-WP campaigns? #tcot
.@KLSouth: I'll pay someone $350 to stop amnesty: Can you find someone to claim that? #tcot #teaparty
.@boris3324: I agree with you, Barees, on #GOP not being grown-ups. Dems aren't grown-ups either: none can defend their #immigration ideas.
.@jennifersabih: are you going to do a segment on attempts to raise min wage? If so, will you represent *all* view points?
.@jennifersabih: are you going to do a segment on attempts to raise min wage? If so, will you represent *all* view points?
.@rtoberl: plan to dump all Dems is impossible. You'll end up putting hopes in something that won't happen, ignoring realistic things. #tcot
Correction: Tracy Torme is the brother. The one who makes me watch the #KCET pledgeathons is Daisy Torme.
Having Tracy Torme doing the #KCET pledgeathons was a pretty genius move. Make that two genius moves.
#Twitter can't even do an autocomplete box right: it covers the submit button. Have to click 2x instead of 1x. #idiocracy #tcot #HID #ows
After Obama's first win we instead got #Teaparty: dumb, deranged, small tent, anti-American, helps Obama more than not. #tcot #gop #sgp #p2
After Obama's first win we should have had a smart, big tent, pro-American opposition to his far-left cultural impulses. #tcot #teaparty #p2
.@littlefatbears: enabling vile, dim Mobies like you who can't find my extensive critique of #Teaparty is very bad for the U.S. #tcot #sgp
.@littlefatbears: I already told you one reason why I oppose #Teaparty. I've elsewhere explained in tremendous detail why I oppose them.
The #Giants game against the Washington Entity is over.
OK, let's try again.
Latest example of #Twitter incompetence: 401 HTTP error saying "Could not authenticate you" w/ code 32.
Crazy pothead running for #RhodeIsland gov doesn't realize how stoned she sounds: #tcot #gop #ows #uniteblue #sgp
.@jenchung: De Blasio's NYC ID card destroys evidence after 2 years; he'd cover up for future Tsarnaevs. More important than him & Chuck.
The incompetence of #Twitter knows no bounds: execs, techs, & customer service. Like an untalented idiot who got famous. #tcot #ows #TGDN
.@BrettLoGiurato: which is more important: De Blasio & Chuck, or his ID cards covering up for terrorists: ? #tcot
If you get "Bad Authentication data" & use Abraham's OAuth library and you see this tweet, then worked.
Can I tweet without getting "Bad Authentication data"?
Getting lots of HTTP code 400, Twitter message: "Bad Authentication data", code 215. They've got to hire some of the worst people.
.@Flikkeshaug: I've been getting that too, using my own app routed through my server. Cause: Twitter's high-tech genious.
Let's see if I can post a tweet without getting "Bad Authentication data", code 215. #Twitter #idiots
.@moxiemom: Krikorian presenting loose #immigration as "left" isn't good. Better to point out how it isn't left (or at least liberal). #tcot
.@moxiemom: Krikorian portraying loose #immigration as "left" isn't good. Better to point out how it isn't left (or at least liberal). #tcot
.@changeservant: I didn't hear back from you about the large donation the person I represent wants to make to the ACLU. Plz respond.
.@steveduncan2013: Steve, you're a broadcaster. Don't you know #HuffPost is deceiving you? Per the AP, deportations this year < in 2007.
OK, #Teapart Army, I need you to "pacify" the 200+lb. lil' cat ladies that shot down my latest attempt to stop amnesty. #tcot #gop #sgp
.@VAlbers783: RoqPlanas isn't credible. Per AP, Deportations this year will be lower than 2007. #immigration #HuffPo #huffpost #uniteblue
RoqPlanas offers "5 Blatant Lies Immigration Hawks Want You To Believe". Ironically, each of his points is misleading. #immigration #HuffPo
ImmigranNacion InmigrantNacion are spamming the hell out of #immigration, but I'm the one who gets suspended. #Twitter #tcot #tgdn #teaparty
My recent attempt to solve amnesty got shot down by 1 or more who are probably 200+lb. lil' fascist cat ladies Jay Santos would look down on
.@ComradeArthur: @AceofSpadesHQ guest blogger hyped my plan that could have cost Obama the election, but others went back to kids' stuff.
#Google thinks this IP is Spanish-lang. Oddly enough, so too does #Startpage (the private search engine). #tcot #teaparty #ows #uniteblue
Jay Santos is wasting his talents on South Bay bike license checks and the like. He really need to clean up this internet thing. #tcot #tgdn
#Teaparty "Patriots" email: "The Tea Party Army is deploying". Wait, they ran away when Grand Fenwick forces advanced. #tcot #uniteblue #ows
.@CraigCheslog @CA_Dem: point out to his supporters that Kashkari would be almost as bad on #immigration as Jerry Brown. #California #tcot
#Teaparty "Patriots" email: "The Tea Party Army is deploying". Oops, looks like turned their backs and ran away like they always do. #tcot
#Teaparty "Patriots" email: "The Tea Party Army is deploying". Their plan: plant new shade trees on the Champs-Elysees. #tcot #ows #libcrib
.@MayorSwearengin: Kashkari smeared me on KMJ after I tweeted him tough questions about his policies:
I mean, if you're going to smear me on the radio I demand Manteca or better. #California
.@cmarinucci: Kashkari smeared me on Fresno radio for asking him tough policy questions: Call him on it.
.@RonNehring: was it governorial (?) of Kashkari to smear me on the radio for asking him tough policy questions? #California #KMJ #tcot #GOP
.@thejaoana: do you ever have contrary opinions on eOpinion TV?
This joke is for sale: "I drew a happy face on my occult blood test card." Contact me with bids. #OWS #Occupy #TriBoobs #tcot #teaparty
.@beltwaysniper: even worse, I have the solution to amnesty & NRO, HotAir, etc. refuse to help out.
Kershaw gloves ball behind his back. I guess I'm pulling for #Dodgers in this particular case. #Frisco #OWS #Occupy #TriBoobs #tcot #ows
One **purported** Jasmine Tridevil "personal service" offered: "Financial Domination". #OWS #Occupy #TriBoobs #tcot #ows
*Purported* Jasmine Tridevil "personal services" (IYKWIM) ad: Not verified x 3. #TriBoobs #tcot #ows
The #Teaparty alternative is to think #California is #Texas. That alternative only did well in #Modoc County. #tcot #gop #CA
The #Teaparty alternative is to think #California is #Texas. That alternative only did good in #Modoc County. #tcot #gop #CA
Neel Kashkari is doing exactly what #RNC wants: bad on #immigration, playing race card, etc. Why he'll fail miserably. #tcot #gop #CA
.@shannonfarren: a media pro has as low an opinion of Neel Kashkari as I do. Trying to get permission to post it. #California #tcot #gop
.@BruceFeinEsq: nearly everything you wrote about #immigration in #WashTimes is false/misleading/wrong. Where should I begin? #tcot #sgp
UPDATE: Jasmine Tridevil claims her 3rd boob is real, Perez Hilton reports:
Turns out "Tridevil" isn't even her real name either. Boy do I feel like a sucker.
.@BraunKen: the PNAE study you cite is deceptive: When will you correct? #MLive #Michigan #immigration #ows #tcot
BraunKen writes "Republicans should send the President a 'high skill' immigration reform bill". Going deep into the barrel for this one.
.@bijan: these type of things will make Twitter into MySpace in no time:
Per CBS's Tampa Bay affiliated, Jasmine Tridevil's 3rd boob might be fake. Backstory: #important #tcot #ows
I'll pay you $350 to use to stop amnesty. Questions coming soon. #teaparty #tcot #gop #sgp #tgdn
♬ Maniacs / Natalie Merchant - Like the Weather: #CodeRed #MusicTuesday #NowPlaying #tcot #teaparty #tlot #ows
.@GudlaugHawkinso: compare & to Obama's ideas
♬ John & Mary - Cotton Alley (from Maniac's Wishing Chair): #MusicTuesday #NowPlaying #tcot #teaparty #tlot #ows
.@NannasNotes: #teaparty #tcot #gop too far left on Bell Curve to show how clueless Hillary is on #immigration. Accept it, change it.
♬ #Teaparty Campaign 2014 theme song: #MusicTuesday #NowPlaying #tcot #teaparty #uniteblue #ows
.@GudlaugHawkinso: curious to know why you think we should act on reform. Did you arrivee at that idea yourself, or get it from OFA/Obama?
♬ Maniacs - Natalie Merchant - Everyone a Puzzle Lover: #MusicTuesday #NowPlaying #tcot #teaparty #uniteblue #ows
♬ Maniacs - Natalie Merchant - Everyone a Puzzle Lover: #MusicTuesday #NowPlaying #tcot #teaparty #ows #uniteblue
MT @BobMurphyEcon: I make the case that @bryan_caplan isn't radical *enough* when it comes to immigration// Your brain on #libertarian. #ows
♬ Jefferson Airplane - Pretty As You Feel: #MusicTuesday #NowPlaying #tcot #teaparty #ows #osf
.@MathewsJeanne: @davidwebbshow has no realistic plan to stop amnesty, won't promote my realistic plans. #idiocracy #tcot #teaparty #sgp
.@dlamage: dumping all Dems isn't a realistic plan. Use my much smarter, more effective, realistic plans before it's too later. #tcot #gop
♬ Wall of Voodoo - 40 min 1983 concert: #MusicTuesday #NowPlaying #tcot #teaparty #ows #osf #immigration
A synth is a great marker that a song sucks. Electric piano is biggest marker of all. There are exceptions however. #NowPlaying #tcot #ows
.@doctorjoe56: your #immigration stance lowers wages for 99%, helps enrich 0.1%. Maybe you should think things through more, Joe. #ows
♬ Wall of Voodoo - Tomorrow: #MusicTuesday #NowPlaying #tcot #teaparty #ows #osf #immigration
.@MN_American: Crowdifornia could stop amnesty *tomorrow* if they'd use my tactics (they've so far refused). Can you change their mind?
Fun fact: #Linux has 17 different clipboards (3 of them aren't normally used). If you can't juggle them, you're a #n00b. #tcot #ows #GOP
♬ "Look, I'll pay you for it": My new motto. #MusicTuesday #NowPlaying #tcot #teaparty #ows #osf #immigration
.@Crowdifornia: I'll pay you $350 to stop amnesty by asking a Rep one of my tough questions on video. What would you do with that money?
.@scottwongDC: I think your Boehner transcription might be wrong. Did he really say the *legal* system is broken? Plz fix if wrong.
Rush Limbaugh is the Gold Standard of HiTech sleuthing, but it seems to me like the "dump all Dems" children's crusade starts with 1 person.
.@janine917: Graham was in Mass. for all those years. Never willing or able to confront Patrick, show him wrong on #immigration. #tcot #ows
Posturing dolt Michael Graham got booted or self-booted from #Boston to #Atlanta. #radio #immigration #tcot #teaparty #ows #uniteblue
.@JohnFromCranber @LindaSuhler: what sort of "patriot" allows the downfall of a state, as Ingraham does California? #immigration #tcot #gop
