
RT @mattyglesias The good news is Ebola isn’t very contagious// And just slightly more dangerous than mumps! #idiocracy #Vox #tcot #teaparty
Yes, by all means let's enter a place with a door that can be shut behind us. #TheStrain
#TheStrain ~SPOILER-ish~ The other Ancients drink people too, they just cover up the leftovers, so to speak. #tcot #uniteblue
#TheStrain ~SPOILER-ish~ The Master is one of seven "Ancients". He's a rogue Ancient the others are fighting against. #tcot #uniteblue
In case *anyone* wasn't clear journalists are as much whores as Hwd Blvd. working girls, look at their anti- #Ebola scare articles. #tcot
.@evanmcmurry: a friend is flying in from Liberia on Tues. Can you pick him up at JFK? It'd make a great story, tamp down fears. Let me know
Per DHS 2013 yearbook, 448 from the 3 #Ebola countries were apprehended in 2013. Fauci says not to worry. #disinfo #immigration #tcot #gop
Per DHS 2012 yearbook, 2003 to 2012 over 4000 aliens from the 3 #Ebola countries were apprehended (583 of them in 2012). #immigration #tcot
.@MargHartmann of #NYMag knows #Ebola in USA is just FoxNews fearmongering. So, she'll give free hugs to anyone from Liberia. #ows #libcrib
#Ebola Q for Obama: "I just got in from Monrovia & I feel fine! To show there's no risk, will you shake my hand?" #tcot #teaparty #gop #sgp
.@MarkSteynOnline: do some actual work to get #Ebola restrictions: help discredit paid downplayers: abbydphillip/MargHartmann/caitlinmacneal
.@MarkSteynOnline: I couldn't look myself in the mirror if all I did was joke and opine about major problems w/o trying to solve them.
If you live in Clacton, aren't you keenly aware of being -on-Sea? I guess some people need a reminder. #tcot #teaparty #ows #uniteblue
NB: I don't support Clacton-on-Sea (whatever the f that is) council taking down #Banksy mural (for whatever reason). Just show him wrong.
.@SocialLore: you might be smart. If #Banksy gets his way on #immigration, who would profit and who would lose? #UKIP #UK #tcot #ows
#Banksy #immigration mural should include one of the pigeons dropping: his stance is as much a scam as the Pigeon Drop. #UKIP #UK #tcot #ows
#Banksy #immigration mural is as idiotic as you'd expect. You'd think his audience would understand ecosystems. #UKIP #UK #uniteblue #ows
2013: Roger Daltrey: "I will never forgive Labour for their immigration policies": #TheWho #ows #uniteblue #UKIP
.@amelscript: you might be smart. If #Banksy gets his way on #immigration, would Roger Daltrey's pals' wages go up or down? #England #UKIP
In case you want to set up a real-looking but probably fake #Twitter network, check out barbjonn. (I might be wrong). #tcot #tgdn
.@BeckyJoSpray: not every Dem can ever be voted out, making that plan unrealistic. A realistic plan:
MT Glaivester & NumbersUSA: "we need extended period of tight labor mkts just to get back to where we were."- Krugman
.@markste71128147: I can tell the difference btween 7 renditions of same Natalie Merchant song: #NowPlaying #TEAPARTY
Breitbart: "Karl Rove Leaves Illegal Immigration out of GOP Senate Victory Plan" (in his #WSJ column). #tcot #teaparty
♬ Maniacs / Natalie Merchant - Tension Makes a Tangle: #NowPlaying #MusicFriday #tcot #uniteblue #OWS #teaparty ♬
.@judgethis: why would "Earth Justice" help USChamber & Walmart bring more big-footprint consumers into the U.S.? #derp #uniteblue #ows #p2
Up next: Frank Bates reveals Obama's secret #FEMA #Ebola #Agenda21 plan. It involves hording Mountain House Peach Cobbler. #tcot #TEAPARTY
.@gsiskind: you're a smart guy. Make me look bad by helping a hack answer my smarts test: #immigration #Chicago
#Soccer editorial cartoon:,36383/ #AnnCoulter #tcot #WorldCupFever #ows #teaparty #COMMUNISM
Nowadays pretty much the only safe sport is #soccer. #tcot #WorldCupFever #ows #teaparty #COMMUNISM
.@EricZorn: P.S. that's a smarts test: Get your smart friends together and try to answer.
.@EricZorn: in one way, the 2013 Senate immigration bill was a complete blanket amnesty. Are you smart enough to figure out what that is?
.@paulbenedict7: building block to get #Ebola restrictions is discrediting @abbydphillip: Use her to send message.
.@irRevJustin: leading critics of FAIR have a $ (WSJ/USChamber types) or racial power (Dem leaders) interest. FAIR stance = 100% defensible.
.@noonisms: how is not an example of institutional incompetence investors in #Twitter need to be warned about?
Not being owned by Magic Johnson seems to correlate well with a game being on a TV channel I get. #Dodgers #Cards #tcot #uniteblue #OWS
As of now, top suspect is ex-Jeopardy contestant & novelist Neal Pollack. Maybe he makes public appearances:
2 weeks after suspension I downloaded tweets from all I contacted. I'll be posting those & my tweets. Try automating a top suspect score.
I'm seeking ALIPAC's help with publicizing the "Stop Amnesty Award". We'll see.
#Twitter's investors/board mbrs need to know how easy it is for lil' fascists to play Twitter into suspending an account. #TGDN
#Twitter finally replied about 24AheadDotCom suspension, on Monday. "Targeted abuse" again. Even if get acct back, I'll continue my campaign
The #Dodgers game isn't on TV, or at least any of the channels I get. From Yahoo, it doesn't look like any of the games will be. #Magic #ows
RT @jraber11 If you feel alone visit the vodka bottle// Take solace: later #BreakingAmish don't compare to 1st, esp. Sabrina. #tcot #occupy
.@saveusrepublic2: Obama's not listening to "fired up Americans". How to make him listen (&get $350):
#BreakingAmish Barbie is hot in a Katie Couric/Karen Allen kinda way: #breaking #amish #tcot #uniteblue #OWS #GOP
.@irRevJustin: since #immigration "reform" is designed to lower wages, why shouldn't a Dem sign an anti-amnesty pledge? #MS #uniteblue #tlot
.@childers4senate is first Dem to sign FAIR's anti-amnesty pledge. Pledge is weak, but still a good sign. #Mississippi #tcot #teaparty #ows
#ImARepublican is as pathetic & pro-far-left as expected from @Reince. He, #GOP, #tcot leaders only good at cashing checks.
#TheStrain season finale: The Master makes Eph an offer: a real, complete hair system, not just a toupee. #CDC #tcot #teaparty #ows #libcrib
.@danielhalper: thanks for the Obama #immigration quotes. Do you know a reporter with the balls to call him on his BS? #tcot #teaparty #sgp
Obama: "DREAMer is more than just a title, it's a pretty good description of what it means to be an American." No: it means their foreigners
Obama: "America is.. the young person who comes out of the shadows to demand the right to dream." See #ows
Obama: "America is the union leader and the CEO who put aside their differences to make the economy stronger". Yes, the "economy". #ows #sgp
.@OnAirJake: FYI, Cesar Chavez would probably despise Longoria's politics. She'd give the growers he fought against more cheap labor. #ows
Tonight: Obama invokes Cesar Chavez (who strongly opposed illegal #immigration) in speech promoting amnesty. #perverse #ows #uniteblue #sgp
Best guess: The Master was shipping the barrel full of vampires to #SouthAmerica, probably Rio. #WorldCupFever #TheStrain
.@TerriGivens: let's try it like so: would you discuss "White Political Party" in same benign way you discussed "Hispanic Political Party"?
.@mpg25mary: see end of See "intermediaries" & Question Authority links there: all apply to amnesty, #Ebola, etc.
OK, so where was The Master shipping the vampires? Probably not Europe: he left enough there. Asia? No, he shipped from "NYC". #TheStrain
.@Glaivester: thanks, I'll post some questions early next week, post the offer to ALIPAC, FreeRepublic, etc.
.@Lex_491: @NeelKashkari won't protect #California from #Ebola: he's almost as bad on #immigration as Moonbeam. #tcot #teaparty #gop
.@Lex_491: @NeelKashkari said if we solved #California water crisis, we'd have enough jobs in the state for all - including illegal aliens.
Why we'll have more Ebola cases in the U.S. and how to do something about it: #ebola #immigration #tcot #teaparty
.@TerriGivens: therefore, by your logic, will you support whites starting a pro-white party?
.@TerriGivens: GOP doesn't really oppose things most whites want them to oppose: mass immigration, aff action, political correctness, etc.
I'm all for the #Vikings losing. I'd just like them to lose in a more entertaining way.
.@abbydphillip: your Ebola OpEd only argues against a complete ban on travel; do you have any arguments against travel *restrictions*?
.@KT_thomps: since you knew your readers would respond to Rand Paul + Ingraham + Ebola as they did, aren't you helping downplay Ebola?
Are #Teaparty types trained by Hannity, bloggers, Rodeo Clown, etc. to be wastes of space, or are rodeo clowns just selling to audience?
All this would be incredibly easy if I were dealing with smart, sane, pro-American people who wanted to solve problems. #immigration #tcot
.@mkmknani: court challenges aren't sure things. Doing things my way is how to *stop* amnesty *now*. Will you help out? #tcot #teaparty #sgp
♬ Mountain - Southbound Train: #Woodstock #NowPlaying #MusicWednesday #tcot #teaparty #ows #uniteblue #hippies ♬
.@AmalieNash: #immigration question at #IADebate was incredibly weak. I guess I shouldn't expect more from Iowa, right?
♬ Melissa The Loud plays & explains #HurdyGurdy: #NowPlaying #MusicWednesday #tcot #teaparty #ows #uniteblue ♬
.@mpg25mary @paulbenedict7: what's your action plan to get travel restrictions from #ebola countries? If you have no plan will you use mine?
♬ Skoulas - Epiran i Gonies: #NowPlaying #MusicWednesday #tcot #teaparty #ows #uniteblue ♬
.@VietNamVet1964: I called out Christie in 2008, never got any help with it. If I had got help, he might not be national figure now. #tcot
Of course I was right. Droolers *in effect helped* Obama by concentrating on #Murrieta rather than my much more effective plans. #tcot #sgp
.@BlissTabitha: hi Tabitha! I didn't see your response. Was I right that Murrieta was just a temporary victory that would have no impact?
Hidden victims of austerity in #Greece: those who shouldn't be there in first place: #immigration #tcot #ows #p2
If Frisco wins, scumball Friscoans will cheer. If Walgreens wins, grubbing DC Kloakentiere whores will cheer. #tcot #teaparty #uniteblue
.@army1man1: Braley might win. If you want to make him lose, ask him on video at one of his events. Will you?
Maybe my suspension is due to using my #ThorsteinVeblenPickupLines on Dr. Julie PIke. #hoarding #tcot #teaparty #ows #uniteblue
.@RadioSpencer: most Hispanics supported Prop 187 2 mos before vote. Want to do something? Discredit the snakes: Reince, Hoffenblum, Kshkri.
The idea that hacker girl could "break the internet" is very, very Canadian. #TheStrain #tcot #teaparty #ows #uniteblue
.@allanbrauer: @CA_Dem would run from these policy questions Kashkari ran from too: #BrawndoBattle #California
What happened to the lawyer from the plane? You'd think the first people The Master would want to corrupt would be lawyers. #TheStrain #gop
.@Lex_491: do you work for Kashkari or something? How far is Kashkari willing to go to prevent an #ebola outbreak in #California?
.@anna_gant: Krikorian is just posturing. Without an action plan, his #ebola complaints mean zilch. #NRO #immigration #teaparty #tcot
.@JeffHorseman: Phil bet me that you don't have the *balls* to ask Kashkari these policy questions:
.@GoVols37872: only way to stop amnesty is to use my action plans. TPPatriots petition is just to build up their mailing list. #tcot #sgp
Most expensive item per pound at Korean grocery cold table: not fish eggs, etc. It was spiced viscera. #yum #tcot #ows #uniteblue #TEAPARTY
.@erichawks62: @TPPatriots petition is to build up their mailing list. If you want to *stop* amnesty now, help with my action plans. #tcot
If Bryan Caplan wanted to bring all Liberians here: a) elites wouldn't expel him, & b) mouthbreathers couldn't/wouldn't do anything. #tcot
.@mungowitz: @bryan_caplan wanted to give every Haitian a green card. Has he said the same about every Liberian, yet? #immigration #ebola
I didn't say a damn thing about the Frisco game, so don't blame any jinxing on me. I had #WorldCup winning %, but 0-2 in MLB. #WorldCupFever
.@Un_Progressive: @MarkSKrikorian is just in-group posturing. If he *really* wanted an ebola ban, he'd push an action plan or use mine.
It's so bad I'm willing to pay people to stop amnesty:
.@swin24: excellent profile of Eva Longoria. Can I suggest someone else you should profile too?
.@phillyeagle1: Joni Ernst admits she'd legalize millions of illegal aliens. She's as bad as Braley. #IASen #Iowa #immigration #tcot #gop
