divided loyalties

divided loyalties: Page 1

Discussed in (click each link for the full post):

Dan Lipinski challenger has divided loyalties, was official with Mexican political party (Jorge Mujica, Illinois) - 11/05/09

On Monday, Jorge Mujica of Illinois filed as a Democrat to challenge Rep. Dan Lipinski, also a Democrat.

Zogby poll: 69% of Mexicans think immigrants should be loyal to Mexico; most say immigration "reform" would increase illegal immigration - 10/14/09

A Zogby poll done of Mexicans in Mexico is discussed here. They seem to have buried the lede, so I'll put that shocking revelation first: * An overwhelming majority (69 percent) of people in Mexico thought that the primary loyalty of Mexican-Americans (Mexico- and U.S.-born) should be to Mexico. Just 20 percent said it should be to the United States. The rest were unsure. * Also, 69 percent of people in Mexico felt that the Mexican government should represent the interests of Mexican-Americans (Mexico- and U.S.-born) in the United States. Certainly, some of those who thought that Mexican...

Juan Hernandez: McCain wishes he could have pushed my agenda (and, Ruben Navarrette is soft on divided loyalties) - 12/07/08

Ruben Navarrette writes about John McCain's Hispanic outreach director Juan Hernandez, a dual citizen (U.S.-Mexico) with clearly divided loyalties who's a former cabinet-level official with the Mexican government. In Navarrette's creative re-telling of McCain's loss (link), he could have won if McCain's advisors had only let him be himself. I.e., by supporting Hernandez' agenda. "I remember a conference call with GOP leaders from Nevada, after McCain had become the nominee," Hernandez told me recently. "I heard them telling McCain on the conference call, 'Well, we still need some reassurance...

Rep. Pete Hoekstra staffer served on Mexican government advisory board - 07/30/08

From 2003 to 2005, Beatriz Mancilla served on the Mexican government's Institute for Mexicans Abroad, an advisory council to that government [1]. Serving on that council is basically an admission of divided loyalties, and Mancilla served alongside illegal immigration supporters such as Hector Flores and Enrique Morones.