david aguilar

david aguilar: Page 1

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Bush spkswm: "the laws of this country, including immigration laws, need to be followed" - 04/26/07

In today's "no, it's not a joke" news comes the reply that White House spokeswoman Dana Perino gave to this question from Les Kinsolving: "How will the United States ever develop, adopt and enforce any sort of immigration policy when individual leaders such as San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsom have vowed to oppose federal enforcement of such laws and, in fact, are preparing to run a sanctuary city that would facilitate illegal activities, as ju

Border Patrol agents: "no confidence" in Chief David Aguilar - 04/23/07

From this: The leaders of the U.S. Border Patrol's rank-and-file agents have unanimously voted a no-confidence resolution against Chief David V. Aguilar, citing, among other things, his willingness to believe the "perjured allegations" of criminal aliens over his own agents. The resolution won endorsement from all 100 top leaders of the National Border Patrol Council (NBPC), which represents all 11,000 of the U.S.

BP Chief, Gabrielle Giffords overturn Jim Kolbe's checkpoints decision - 04/04/07

One of the controversies surrounding newly-retired Representative and illegal immigration supporter Jim Kolbe (R-AZ) was his opposition to fixed checkpoints away from the border, and he wrote legislation requiring that they be moved frequently. Now that he's gone, Border Patrol chief David Aguilar has stopped moving the checkpoints and, at a townhall meeting in Sahuarita (south of Tucson) yesterday, Rep.

Border Patrol: recent incursion wasn't Mexican military - 03/23/06

From this: Border Patrol agents now know who was really involved in a confrontation between Texas Law Enforcement and alleged drug smugglers in Sierra Blanca. "All the evidence they have gathered from the investigation points to the individuals and the equipment that was involved was in fact not government of Mexico or military equipment," said National Chief Patrol Agent David Aguilar. On January 22nd, Hudspeth County deputies say they were pursuing drug smugglers who crossed back into Mexi

Bush to wall off 3.5 miles of border near San Diego - 09/14/05

From this: The Bush administration said Wednesday it will fortify the westernmost stretch of the U.S.-Mexico border over the objections of environmentalists and California regulators, who feared the project would harm a refuge for endangered birds.

Douglas Mayor Ray Borane sells illegal immigration to L.A. Times - 08/30/05

Ray Borane is the mayor of Douglas, AZ, which sits almost right on the border with Mexico. The town has 15,000 residents, 90% of whom are "Latino". From the LAT article "In a State of Emergency, City's Relaxed" (link):

Wacky stunt to highlight dangerously insecure border - 08/28/05

The headline tells you most all you need to know, but there are a few ironic twists. "Human cannonball to be fired across U.S.-Mexico border" informs us that David Smith Sr. is going to perform the stunt from Tijuana over to Border Field State Park in San Diego. This might be next Saturday, or it might have already occurred.

OTMs on MSM radar - 06/08/05

For some reason, OTMs ("Other Than Mexicans") are now on the MSM's perspicacious radar screen. The AZ Daily Star combines their own reporting with the AP's reporting to create "Entrants not from Mexico big concern". The L.A.

You can probably figure out where this story is going - 08/21/04

On August 13, Reuters ran "Mexico protests US border agents' pepper weapons": Mexican opposition legislators are up in arms over the US Border Patrol's use of weapons firing plastic bullets filled with pepper powder against Mexican migrants as they cross the border illegally...

"Border Patrol checks 'interior'" - 06/11/04

The Washington Times reports on the recent arrests of illegal aliens in the interior. (Previous coverage of this here). It contains this interesting bit (link):