James Pethokoukis doesn't want you to see this (AEI, Marco Rubio, immigration)

James Pethokoukis of the American Enterprise Institute doesn't want you to see how he's wrong about immigration.

A few days ago, Pethokoukis offered "Is Rubio really about to ruin the Republican Party?" ( peekURL.com/zCrSvv4 ). A comment I left on that post pointing out he's wrong never appeared. Rather than keep you in suspense, here's what Pethokoukis doesn't want you to see [1]:

Regarding the first, wouldn't actual conservatives (not just fiscal "conservatives") entirely reject the notion of reaching out to ethnic groups as monolithic "communities"? Isn't this part of the problem the GOP faces, that they've bought in to far-left concepts on race? Wouldn't rejecting and opposing far-left concepts on race help the GOP make this whole thing less an issue?

What Pethoukis and others miss is how much damage the teapartification/libertarianification has done to the GOP: they harp on 99% pro-wealthy concepts, while giving in to far-left concepts on race.

That's it, no links (aside from the one under my name) or anything. But, now you know where Pethokoukis is weak: on being called out on supporting far-left multiculturalism concepts rather than opposing them and on being called out on being primarily a fiscal "conservative".

Note: after the comment didn't appear, I sent him two tweets in which I pointed out to him that I keep track of those who delete or don't approve my comments. Neither received a reply.

See deleted comments for dozens of other comments that were too hot to handle for other hacks.

See Marco Rubio for extensive discussions of how his plans aren't conservative, are misleading, and would greatly harm the U.S.

Write @JimPethokoukis with your thoughts, and send this page to those who interact with him on Twitter.

[1] In the comment, "the first" is a reference to this claim by Pethokoukis:

While immigration reform alone won’t make most Hispanics switch from D to R, it is the gateway policy needed before conservatives can begin to make their case to that community. And even though future Republican presidential candidates could conceivably win doing as poorly among Hispanics as Mitt Romney did - at least for another election, maybe two - such a weak showing leaves little margin for error and makes a large, Reaganesque GOP win improbable.