Steve Benen/Washington Monthly gets hat trick: deletes three comments in one day

Steve Benen of the Washington Monthly has scored a hat trick: he or his helpers deleted three comments I left on his entries today. And, the deletions happened very shortly after I left the comments, so obviously they're very worried about their readers learning about the things that Steve Benen isn't willing to tell them. An earlier comment I left was also deleted from one of his entries (see the first link), and during the Kevin Drum era at that site about a dozen comments were deleted or edited without notice.

The three comments are in the extended entry, in reverse chronological order.

washingtonmonthly. com/archives/individual/2008_10/015030.php
Steve Benen writes: "we already learned". Actually, that's just the NYT's take on it, in their desperate attempt to get out in front of a story and minimize the damage to BHO.

For the truth of the matter, see this and this.

[Note: Washington Monthly/Steve Benen deleted a valid comment I left here recently (including two just today), continuing a long-term habit during Kevin Drum's tenure. Because it contains information you aren't supposed to know about, this comment may disappear or be different from what I posted. Search for "steve benen" or "kevin drum" at my site for examples of comments that were deleted.]

washingtonmonthly. com/archives/individual/2008_10/015023.php
BHO is a great champion of the press. In fact, he recently encouraged his followers to in effect shut down a couple radio shows that featured people he didn't like. They were saying things BHO didn't like, so it's perfectly valid to try to shut them down. (Note: I'm referring to BHO, not Hugo Chavez just so no one gets confused.)

[Note: Washington Monthly/Steve Benen deleted a valid comment I left here recently, continuing a long-term habit during Kevin Drum's tenure. Because it contains information you aren't supposed to know about, this comment may disappear or be different from what I posted. Search for "steve benen" or "kevin drum" at my site for examples of comments that were deleted.]

washingtonmonthly. com/archives/individual/2008_10/015024.php
Whew! The NYT says BHO is faultless, and that's all everyone needs to hear!

Of course, if you go here and compare it to the second paragraph on page 2 you might have a sense of deja vu, but just completely ignore that and believe what WaMo wants you to believe.

[Note: Washington Monthly/Steve Benen deleted a valid comment I left here recently, continuing a long-term habit during Kevin Drum's tenure. Because it contains information you aren't supposed to know about, this comment may disappear or be different from what I posted. Search for "steve benen" or "kevin drum" at my site for examples of comments that were deleted.]


The fact is the rats want to delete the USA By mass hispanic repopulation and mass murder Maybe the reason your commment taking down and with the political/ economic collapse of the USA This will make our enemies happy. One reason why the rats want us dead,dead,dead is eyes are now opening to what has been going on inside government with mass money being handed out to any gang/monkey illegal from all over so called south america/usa and with the worsening economy happening right in front of millions of poor whites/PEOPLE And middle class who now are totally being enslaved to our enemies any light would be called political injurious to our enemies. and yes buy guns.

"with mass money being handed out to any gang/monkey illegal from from all over so called south america/usa" That sounds serious. Perilous even. English, not so much.