DOJ investigators pose as reporters at Joe Arpaio press conference? (Je Yon Jung)

According to this unconfirmed FreeRepublic posting, on yesterday's JD Hayworth radio show on Arizona's KFYI:

Sheriff (Joe Arpaio) held a sweep in NW Phoenix, Friday October 16, 2009. He had a press conference after. US Department of Justice Officials (approximately 5) showed up at the conference, UNDERCOVER, POSING AS REPORTERS. When contacted by a Sheriff commander, the Federal Civil Rights officials posing as journalists, conducted themselves "unprofessionally" and "refused to provide official identification. Only one official from the "covert team provided any form of ID when pressed." That was the senior trial attorney, (Je Yon Jung). She has been conducting the DOJ's investigation of the Sheriff's office re: allegations of racial profiling. (Je Yon Jung) confirmed that those who REFUSED TO PROVIDE ID TO THE SHERIFF DEPARTMENT WERE Department of Justice Officials. 'The DOJ attorney is a max contributor to Obama campaign and seeks a judgeship.'

The audio apparently starts at 17:33 of this.

And, per this July article:

the attorney assigned to the Maricopa County investigation, Je Yon Jung, is an active member and former national governing-board representative of the National Asian Pacific American Women’s Forum, a left-wing organization that believes all “undocumented” immigrants should be granted citizenship. Ms. Jung maxed out in contributions to President Obama’s campaign and recently applied for a judgeship in the District of Columbia — a position to which President Obama will appoint a candidate.

NAPAWF's issues page is at, and on another page ( they mention that they're a project of the Tides Foundation. Jung has her own page in the "Fierce Sisters Speakers Bureau" section of the site (

Je Yon Jung is an active member and former national governing board D.C. chapter representative to NAPAWF. She was the chair of NAPAWF's "Comfort Women" Campaign, which seeks justice on behalf of World War II's 200,000 women and girls who were forced into sexual slavery. Je Yon is a mentor for Asian American LEAD, a local community - based organization in Washington, DC providing direct services primarily to the Southeast Asian refugee population, and former group coordinator for Asian American LEAD's young women's creative writing group. She was AALEAD's 2001 Mentor of the Year.


The murder state of obama must remove guys like joe Arpaio if he stand's his ground the "state" political police will remove that ground and the end game is to put him in the ground.