At least the Pasadena Star-News is covering it

If radio hosts hold a rally designed to "fire" one of the most powerful congressmen, and hundreds of people showed up, don't you think the L.A. Times or the L.A. Daily News would have a little bit of an obligation to cover the story?

Unfortunately, shows that the only newspaper that covered yesterday's rally was the Pasadena Star-News:

GLENDORA -- Two radio talk show hosts held a "Fire Dreier' rally Thursday, criticizing a local Republican Congressman for doing nothing to keep illegal immigrants from coming into the United States.

KFI AM-640 listeners came to the rally next to the office of Rep. David Dreier on Route 66 armed with protest signs and bullhorns. Many honked their horns in support of the rally, which lasted from 3 to 7 p.m. Police said several hundred people came and went during the rally...

Their previous coverage is in "Radio personalities to hold 'Fire Dreier' rally". I believe Noticiero 52 did a live shot at 6PM, but I don't know if any other stations covered this.

Time to get Patterico on the case!

In related news, Jane Chastain suggests taking this national.

UPDATE: The Daily Bulletin reports on the rally in Demonstrators seek to "Fire Dreier" over immigration stance. However, there's nothing at the L.A. Times.


Be sure to check out the website . Some good stuff in the comments section.