Did Bush clone himself and create Texas' Carole Keeton Strayhorn?

Carole Keeton Strayhorn is running for Texas' governor, and the primary will be held in March 2006. She also seems to be a clone of our own lider George Bush:
Immigrants, legal or otherwise, come to Texas to "put a roof over their heads" and Texas has a responsibility to provide them education and health care once they are here, Republican gubernatorial candidate Carole Keeton Strayhorn told a conservative GOP group today.

In a week when the [Democrat] governors of Arizona and New Mexico declared states of emergency for counties along their border with Mexico, citing the "ravages and terror" caused by illegal immigration, Strayhorn took a conciliatory tone on the same issue. But she also said the state needs help from the federal government...

...[Some political science professor who was in the reporter's rolodex] also theorized that Strayhorn, in search for campaign dollars, is unwilling to take a close-the-border stance and alienate large homebuilders and highway construction companies who use immigrant labor and contribute heavily in Republican politics...
Now surely she isn't corrupt enough to put their interests ahead of America's interests, is she?


I thought it was supposed to be that they came here just to work? Now it turns out that they also sleep and need a roof, not just a tent? At least we have her assurance that the roof will not be that of welfare projects as yet unbuilt, or do we? Texas will say: send me your homeless, we can accomodate as many as you might send, and the taxpayer will not complain?