Tweets to WvK 🌲

WvK 🌲's avatar
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WvK 🌲
Northern California
Interests: Stanford 🏈, πŸš΄πŸ½β€™ing, Lagotto Romagnolo πŸΆβ€™s. Am M.D., USAF Vet.
Tweets to this user:
Mark Krikorian's avatar
From @MarkSKrikorian
In Sweden, immigrants are 42% of the long-term unemployed & get 58% of welfare. Solution: More immigration!
WvK 🌲's avatar
From @WillvonKaenel
.@MarkSKrikorian EU's baffling bent to import welfare and terror prone refugees best explained by Robert Conquest.
Im here for the Freakshow's avatar
From @ben_douglasson
@MarkSKrikorian @ainsworthbill71 California is 15% of US population... They SCARF up 33% of US welfare dollars
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@ben_douglasson: if you weren't a #Teaparty pretend-patriot, you'd know how many more billions #California has given to Feds than got back.
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@WillvonKaenel: hey Will, why do you enable Krikorian/Kaus/Coulter, when they refuse to do things they could do to stop amnesty?
Im here for the Freakshow's avatar
From @ben_douglasson
@24AheadDotCom_ Yea, right dude....,3rd world cesspool..sucking up $ ....Net drag on US
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@ben_douglasson: state-wise #Teaparty states like #Alabama & #Mississippi & parts of #Texas are the closest the U.S. gets to 3rd world.
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@ben_douglasson: unlike #Teaparty pretend-patriots, I'm not going to turn my back on #Alabama etc.TPers have little loyalty to whole USA.
Mickey Kaus's avatar
From @kausmickey
.@AnnCoulter vs. Marc Andreesen (@pmarca) would be a good debate. Hard to believe he lacks the self-confidence
WvK 🌲's avatar
From @WillvonKaenel
@kausmickey @pmarca Here two pro-immig. activists vaunt of eschewing @AnnCoulter debate. Nor keen to answer query.
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@WillvonKaenel: compare that Coulter question to the dozens here:
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@WillvonKaenel: @AnnCoulter & @KausMickey have for years refused to help with my much smarter anti-amnesty questions. #tcot #teaparty #gop
Mark Krikorian's avatar
From @MarkSKrikorian
"The machines perform duties once handled by nurses, orderlies, cafeteria staff& maintenance crews" More immigration!
WvK 🌲's avatar
From @WillvonKaenel
@MarkSKrikorian If it would only vote Democrat, join a union, and welp more Democrats, it'd be perfect.
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@WillvonKaenel: here's the scoop on how fake @MarkSKrikorian is: Do what's best for USA: demand he does his job.
Mickey Kaus's avatar
From @kausmickey
.@WSJ sez economy helped "especially" by importing "skilled"? Does open-borders theory distinguish skilled/unskilled?
WvK 🌲's avatar
From @WillvonKaenel
@kausmickey To @WSJ. non-HS grads and E.E. PhD's are both such unmitigated boons to the U.S., to question either is beyond pale.
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@WillvonKaenel: has Kaus ever made a politician change his ways? Kaus is fake: he's just an entertainer. He refuses to help stop amnesty.