Tweets to Walter Shaub

Walter Shaub's avatar
Twitter handle: 
Walter Shaub
former Director of @OfficeGovEthics personal account - views my own Tweets are *not* legal advice. Wash your hands.
Tweets to this user:
Andy Kroll's avatar
From @AndyKroll
Ignore the stories saying the 1st impeachment hearing "lacked pizzazz." What matters: Trump told his EU ambassador…
Blackbird fly's avatar
From @Blackbirdsing2
@AndyKroll @waltshaub And funny how a @RollingStone reporter understands the profound and grave situation we are in…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@Blackbirdsing2: even Andy Yang realizes impeachment is a big loser. You only win if Trump's ejected & the chances of that are exceedingly slim. @AndyKroll is pandering to you to get clicks, just like Breitbart does. He lacks the smarts & patriotism to undercut Trump.
Tom Nichols's avatar
From @RadioFreeTom
I have never made the case for impeaching Trump, despite my belief that he has long merited impeachment. Until now.…
Walter Shaub's avatar
From @waltshaub
@RadioFreeTom @TheAtlantic This is a great piece, Tom.
Tom Nichols's avatar
From @RadioFreeTom
@waltshaub @TheAtlantic Thanks, Walt - appreciate that
Steve's avatar
From @Steee_ve
@RadioFreeTom @waltshaub @TheAtlantic It even raises, in my mind, at least, a few questions about the president's a…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@Steee_ve: for 4+ years, those like @RadioFreeTom have been pushing baby blimps, "Drumpf", and all the other childish things that have only helped Trump. Now they push the impeachment chimera. It's incredibly easy to undercut Trump to his base but they can't figure it out.
David Nakamura's avatar
From @DavidNakamura
“Few Americans alive today have set foot inside North Korea, the isolated, nuclear-armed dictatorship. On Sunday, I…
Walter Shaub's avatar
From @waltshaub
@DavidNakamura @agearan Be careful with the Bill & Ted's references. It's all fun and games until @Winter gets hurt…
Alex Winter's avatar
From @Winter
@waltshaub @DavidNakamura @agearan And I would argue this was more of a bogus journey than an excellent adventure.
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
What's funny is how few care what you think. Except, of course, Trump: he likes how those like you have only ever helped him. MT @DavidNakamura MT @Winter [to a Nakamura blog] And I would argue [Ivanka in North Korea] was more of a bogus journey than an excellent adventure.
Cheri Armstrong's avatar
From @Charms77
RT @SamPhDEng: We are in a moral bankruptcy free fall.
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@Charms77 @SamPhDEng: speaking about moral bankruptcy, @waltshaub blocked me for correctly calling him on how his immigration stance increases the number of people dying trying to cross the border:
Michael C. Bender's avatar
From @MichaelCBender
NEWS: FEMA Chief Brock Long’s unauthorized travel cost government $151,000, report shows
LOST TIME ΩΛ's avatar
From @Swohtz
@MichaelCBender @smartdissent Trump only hires the best....crooks!!
Tuxie Catmom's avatar
From @marketfan
@MichaelCBender Another Trump grifter! No surprise there!
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@marketfan @waltshaub: @MichaelCBender obsession w/ Brock Long spending small (in govt terms) $ on travel distracts from Long's & Trump's gross incompetence that cost lives. Govt should've had triage/comms/etc teams all throughout #PuertoRico within hours. Clear incompetence.
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@Swohtz: MichaelCBender is only going after Brock Long over rounding errors (in govt terms). Notice that he's not going after him over his (and Trump's) incredible incompetence on #PuertoRico (most of which you haven't heard about).
Walter Shaub's avatar
From @waltshaub
The WH's goal in taking away immigrant children is to do something so horrific to these families that word will get…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
If that's cruel, then how about your own cruelty? You'd encourage kids to cross a deadly border. Your policies = dead kids. MT @waltshaub The WH's goal in taking away immigrant children is to do something so horrific to these families that word will get out & scare others away
Walter Shaub's avatar
From @waltshaub
Scaramucci playing magic pretend lawyer on @CNN tells Chris Cuomo that Trump's conversations with McGahn are privil…
Jeff Simeone's avatar
From @yank999
@waltshaub @CNN @ChrisCuomo You know what’s funny the mooch follows me and I have no idea why!
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
So ask him tougher questions than Cuomo is capable of asking. Make news, do a great public service, & undercut Trump by asking Mooch to list some ways Trump Wall could fail. MT @yank999 @waltshaub @ChrisCuomo You know what’s funny the mooch follows me and I have no idea why!