Tweets to entrepreneur@Heart

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Aspiring entrepreneur, Stuck in H1B. Love my Blackberry Q10. Posts with #noAmnesty is to get message across.
Tweets to this user:
The Drunk Economist's avatar
From @drunk_economist
RT @24AheadDotCom: RT @stuckonH1B ...#IBM created 150k jobs in India and reduced 50k jobs since 2000...// Is IBM an American company, or so…
entrepreneur@Heart's avatar
From @stuckonH1B
RT @24AheadDotCom: RT @stuckonH1B ...#IBM created 150k jobs in India and reduced 50k jobs since 2000...// Is IBM an American company, or so…
24AheadDotCom Backup's avatar
From @24aheaddotcom
RT @stuckonH1B ...#IBM created 150k jobs in India and reduced 50k jobs since 2000...// Is IBM an American company, or something else? #tcot
The Drunk Economist's avatar
From @drunk_economist
@24AheadDotCom IBM is a multi-national, in SV as a laughingstock called ‘India Business Machines’ .blown contracts attest this @stuckonH1B