Tweets to Deplorable🔥Slùggo🔥

Deplorable🔥Slùggo🔥's avatar
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Make America GREAT AGAIN!
Happily Married Christian Crusader against Islamization of America 🇺🇸 Tea-Party/NRAConservative Support Israel. Devoted to Extinction of 🇺🇸American RINO!
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DonaldTrumpIsARacist's avatar
From @Maggyw519
RT @SEIU: The @nytimes supports Obama taking executive action on immigration: We do too. #GoBigObama…
24AheadDotCom Backup's avatar
From @24aheaddotcom
.@Maggyw519: @SEIU is thinking of all those sweet, sweet dues and more racial power. They don't care about American workers. #uniteblue #ows
Deplorable🔥Slùggo🔥's avatar
From @sluggoD54
@24AheadDotCom @Maggyw519 @SEIU Amen Brother!
Deplorable🔥Slùggo🔥's avatar
From @sluggoD54
@24AheadDotCom @Maggyw519 @SEIU SEIU stole my wife & others pensions! Watch out they'll do it again during 2016 Presidential election!
DonaldTrumpIsARacist's avatar
From @Maggyw519
@sluggoD54 @24AheadDotCom @SEIU bullshit.
DonaldTrumpIsARacist's avatar
From @Maggyw519
@sluggoD54 @24AheadDotCom @SEIU Of course...liar.
DonaldTrumpIsARacist's avatar
From @Maggyw519
@sluggoD54 @24AheadDotCom @SEIU you Koch whore trolls fuck off, hear? we see you.
Deplorable🔥Slùggo🔥's avatar
From @sluggoD54
@Maggyw519 @24AheadDotCom @SEIU It's true! Just cause you are intoxicated with leftist Kool-Aid, doesn't change the fact!
Deplorable🔥Slùggo🔥's avatar
From @sluggoD54
@Maggyw519 @24AheadDotCom @SEIU SEIU is also the criminal organization called ACORN!
Deplorable🔥Slùggo🔥's avatar
From @sluggoD54
@Maggyw519 @24AheadDotCom @SEIU Why is SEIU choosing Illegal Immigrant criminals over American workers? They lower our wages!
Deplorable🔥Slùggo🔥's avatar
From @sluggoD54
@Maggyw519 @24AheadDotCom @SEIU Even Cesar Chavez was strongly against illegal immigration! He saw them as scabs that big corp.Used 2 lower$
Deplorable🔥Slùggo🔥's avatar
From @sluggoD54
@Maggyw519 @24AheadDotCom @SEIU You can heed my warning or not, keep an eye on your pension right before 2016!
Deplorable🔥Slùggo🔥's avatar
From @sluggoD54
@Maggyw519 @24AheadDotCom @SEIU SEIU gave Obama $200Million! They took others pensions,then said sorry we mismanaged your pension U have$800
Deplorable🔥Slùggo🔥's avatar
From @sluggoD54
@Maggyw519 @24AheadDotCom @SEIU WTF? What R you talking about?
24AheadDotCom Backup's avatar
From @24aheaddotcom
.@Maggyw519: the "Koch whore" would be those in your sphere. The #Koch bros want loose borders as much as #SEIU does. #immigration #ows #oo
24AheadDotCom Backup's avatar
From @24aheaddotcom
.@Maggyw519: Kochs fund loose borders groups & one even gave millions to the loose border ACLU. They're your buddies. #immigration #ows #oo