Tweets to J. Carroll Clark

J. Carroll Clark's avatar
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J. Carroll Clark
Los Angeles, CA
Novels, Nonfiction, Watercolors 🍸 Motoring California Highways 🏞️ Reading Books πŸ“– Jazz Afternoons 🎷 Cancels Back When Canceled
Tweets to this user:
Ryan Mac πŸ™ƒ's avatar
From @RMac18
Google's executives have protested both the Trump administration's Muslim travel ban and family separation policy.…
J. Carroll Clark's avatar
From @sazeracked
@RMac18 Oh, another tedious attempt to shame a company for the wrong political view. How McCarthy throwback of you.
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@sazeracked: FYI, your reply to RMac18 was censored by Twitter. Since cons have been falsely pretending only cons are impacted by Twitter censorship for years and it continues, is how they oppose it working?